
The next morning came quicker than Alex and I anticipated when we sat down with Loretta in the living room. I began picking at my nails, a habit I didn't know I possessed until this moment.

"What did you two want to talk to me about?" She asked, concern filling her tone as she gently held my hands.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, readying myself for any reaction she might throw at us, "I'm pregnant."

Looking over at her, I watched as the shock was replaced with a calm understanding, "Did you just find out?"

I nodded, "I took a pregnancy test when we were at the store getting groceries. We want to keep the baby and maybe move the wedding date up but we don't know how long Nova and Emmy will be in the hospital."

She nodded, deep in thought before looking up at us, "This situation isn't an ideal one, but I would schedule an appointment with the doctor. You'll need to get an ultrasound done and they should be able to tell you how far along you are." She paused, "When were you wanting to have the wedding?"

"We aren't wanting a gigantic wedding so I think we may do it on the beach or we may decide to spend the one-hundred dollars and go up to the courthouse."

"I'll schedule the appointment but we still have the funeral and we still need to check on Nova and Emmy." I paused, looking over at Alex who returned my worried expression, "What if the stress is too much and it causes a miscarriage? What if the doctors are wrong and Nova and Emmy won't survive?"

"Hey, hey," Alex said, cupping is hands over my face as I tried to stop the tears from falling, "It will be okay. Nova and Emmy are safe at the hospital. I can help you with the funeral and so can Tabitha, Aunt Christie, and Sabrina. You have a gigantic support system backing you up."

A sob escaped me and I hugged Alex tight, a million emotions flowed through me and I tried to control them but it was futile. "I'll call and make the appointment; you just rest dear." Loretta said, patting my knee and leaving Alex and I alone in the living room.

"Try to think of the positive," Alex suggested, as he held me, "Your sister and niece are alive and safe, and we're having a baby. Yes, it's a little soon than we had hoped, but It's still beautiful."

Looking up, I wiped my face with my sleeve and smiled, "Yeah, it is beautiful."

"Alright, I scheduled your appointment. It's in a week from today. She said, walking into the kitchen, "How about I make us some tea?"

"I need to talk to Aimmie about everything." I said, suddenly feeling a rush of adrenaline I didn't know I had left.

"I'll call her, you just need to relax." Alex commented, as I laid my head down on his shoulder.

"What did I do to deserve such a great man like you?" I asked as a wave of tiredness consumed me and I drifted off to sleep.


The next few days went by in a blur. Aimmie had given Alex and I a few weeks off for mourning and Alex and Loretta helped me get everything ready for Josh's funeral this afternoon.

After a quick shower Alex and I got dressed in plain black clothes. I looked myself over in the mirror, eyeing my already growing stomach cautiously. I wasn't showing that much so those that saw me from a distance might think I was just bloated but I knew I would be as big as a balloon soon. How would Nova, Tabitha, or Emma react? Would they be shocked, excited?

I glanced behind me, noticing that Alex was struggling with his tie. Simply smiling, I gently took his hands in mine and fixed his tie with calm unshaking hands. I knew that once we got there, I would be an emotional mess, but for now I needed to be strong, if not for my unborn child's sake, but for Alex, Nova, and Emmy's.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, grabbing a travel size pack of tissues and my purse. He only nodded and I led him and Loretta to Alez's truck where I drove. I noticed how Alex tried to fight back his emotions and I turned to him.

"It's okay to cry." I said, in the calmest voice I could muster without crying myself.

Parking the truck in a nearby parking space, I followed Loretta and Alex into the church where Tabitha and Emma stood grasping cups of punch. Aimmie was also amongst the crowd of friends and family and she returned my small smile. Tabitha noticed me first, gliding towards us with Emma close behind, "Hey," she said, pulling me in for a delicate hug, her eyes were rimmed in red and it was in this moment that I realized I had never seen Tabitha cry, "How are you?"

"I'm okay." I replied, giving her a small unconvincing smile.

She only nodded, "How is Nova and Emmy?"

"Nova is doing good, the doctor said they should be pulling her out of her coma in the next week or so.: I paused, "And Emmy's doing great, she's growing and fighting like a champion. Just like her mother."

I smiled as the tears threatened to come, gosh darn you horemones! "There's something I have to tell you," I caught myself, "What Alex and I have to tell you."

"What is it?" Concern and worry filled her features as she tried to prepare herself for the news, we were about to tell her.

Looking over at Alex wrho simply smiled reassuringly at me, I looked back at Tabitha and Emma knowing that however they react. I wouldn't take it to heart if they reacted poorly, "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Tabitha and Emma said, clearly shocked.

"Alex and I, we're having a baby and we're getting married. We found out about the baby a few days after Alex proposed and we know it would be best to have the wedding earlier that we might have planned."

"You're getting married?" Tabitha asked as Emma repeated that we were indeed having a baby.

"I can't believe it." Tabitha whispered before a gigantic smiled rose on her face, "I'm going to be an aunt?"

Alex and I both nodded suddenly feeling the rush of happiness as Tabitha cried with joy, "I'm so happy!"

And then we couldn't help but laugh as we realized the irony and maybe the craziness of being happy at a funeral. After the service, our group headed over for dinner at a local diner.

Alex and I would be going to the doctor tomorrow for the baby and to visit with Nova to tell her the good news, even if we were unsure whether or not she could hear us. I was nervous and I knew Alex was too but I was also curious to see that my baby looked like.

Alex and I sat next to each other at the table, Tabitha sat in between her mother and Emma. Although, Aunt Christie and Aunt Sabrina had yet to arrive.

"So," Tabitha asked, after we received our appetizers, "When's the wedding?"

Looking over at Alex, I smiled interlocking my hand in his, "We've decided on February. It'll be on the beach and we would like a small ceremony."

"Really!" Tabitha beamed, "That sounds so much like you two."

Just as she was about to come around to hug us both, the waitress came back to take our orders. Looking down at my unopened menu, I realized that I hadn't decided on what I was going to eat. Skimming down the list of entrees and salad, I decided on a caesar salad and a cheeseburger. Being mindful not to eat any shellfish as I've learned it was harmful for the baby.

Just as the waitress was about to leave, Aunt Christie and Sabrina came running into the restaurant, "Sorry we're late!" Sabrina exclaimed, taking a seat at the table along with her mother.

"It's okay." I said, "Feel free to use my menu."

"Thank you," They replied, sharing it as I let the waitress know what I would be having.

"So," Emma said, after everyone ordered, "How far along are you?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aunt Christie had shot up as she looked between Alex and I. I had almost forgotten that they didn't know we were pregnant with her great niece or nephew.

I, um, we don't know yet. We go to the doctor tomorrow." I replied, eyeing Aunt Christie nervously.

"What do you mean, 'How far along are you?'" She turned to Alex, "Did you get my niece pregnant!"


"Is that why you proposed to her?" Her face was red and I knew she wasn't entirely angry with us, she was just in mourning.

"Hey, how about we all calm down. We're all in a very emotional state right now and getting into arguments won't help." I paused, "Yes, I'm pregnant with Alex's baby and yes, we're getting married. But we didn't find out about the baby until after, but that doesn't change the fact that we still love and care for each other. We're just speeding up the time frame a bit and I would like to have a calm and nice evening with my family."

Alex held my hand under the table as I wiped away the stray tear that managed to escape. God, I'm so over crying.

"Okay." Aunt Christie nodded as the waitress came with our food.

The rest of the night out was uneventful and I was thankful for it. I was tired of crying and dealing with emotional events. I just hope tomorrow is a calmer afternoon.

By the time we got home it was nearly seven and I was exhausted. Only keeping myself awake to change into pyjamas, I crawled into bed and fell asleep, finding comfort under the covers.


My leg bounced up and downas we waited in the waiting room. I held Alex's hand as we waited, trying to calm my nerves that ran throughout my body. I wasn't sure how it would go but I was hoping the visit would go smoothly.

"Elsie?" A woman said and I immediately looked up and stood.

"Hi, how are we doing today?" The nurse, Mary, asked as we followed her towards our room.

"We're a little nervous." I said, still holding onto Alex's hand.

"It's perfectly normal to be nervous, but you have nothing to worry about." She said as she took my height and weight.

"How long have you two been together?" Mary asked as we entered the hospital room.

"Five months, but it feels as if we've known each other for longer." Alex replied as I laid down on the table.

"I see." The nurse said with a smile.

Cautiously lifting my shirt, I watched as she poured some clear gel onton my stomach and placed the scanner onto my skin. It wasn't cold as I was expecting it to be and as I crained my neck to smile at Alex the nurse gasped slightly.

"What? What is it?" I asked, feeling panic begin to take over.

Looking over to see the scree, I was amazed at the image before me. There in all it's glory was a tiny little blob that in nine months would become a baby, our baby.

"Is that?" I asked as Alex came closer to the screen, confused, I began to notice that the blob wasn't just one, it was two. "Why are there two?" I asked Mary, who couldn't help but smile.

"You're having twins!"

"Twins." Alex and I repeated, not believing what was happening as Mary pressed a few buttons and we found ourselves listening to two distinctive heartbeats.

That's why I was bigger, I concluded, We are having twins.

And in that moment all I felt was the overwhelming joy as I listened. I knew we would be all right and I knew this was the happiest moment of my life.

"It looks like you're about six weeks along. Here are some pictures for you to take home and here's a towel." Mary grinned, handing the pictures to Alex and the towel to me. It took everything I had to not cry, as I wiped the goo off my skin.

"Alex," I gushed as he stared at the sonogram pictures, "We're having twins!"

"I wish you both the best of luck." Mary chuckled, opening the door for us as I jumped down from the table.

"Thank you so much!" I said, still grinning as I hugged her.

"It was my pleasure, now, Karen at the front desk can help you schedule your next appointment to see how you and the babies are doing.

"Okay, thank you!" Alex and I said as she led us back to the waiting room.

"Hey Mary?" I asked, turning around.


"When are we due?" I inquired as my eyes lit up at the mention of my due date.

"I'd say sometime around august. Good luck and have a safe trip home" She said with a smile before leaving us to schedule our next visit.

After everything was settled, Alex and I headed over to see Nova who was still laying in her bed. On her window sill were various cards and flowers from co-workers, friends, and family.

Setting one of the pictures down next to the flower vase on her nightstand, I smiled to myself as Alex came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Everything will be okay," I said, watching Nova's readings on the monitor, "Nova, you're going to be an aunt.

Smiling as we left the room, we made our way towards the NICU to see our niece. There behind a glass wall was Emmy, silent and sleeping as if she didn't have a care in the world. She was absolutely perfect. I just hoped that when our babies were born things would run much smoother that what they have these last few days.