
I watched as Tabitha set down another stack of bridal magazines that she insisted I look through. It was nearly three weeks since Josh's funeral and I wasn't sure where I was at in my stage of grief. Looking over at Tabitha, she simply grins and skims through the first book.

I knew I wanted an empire waist gown as my wedding dress and I also knew we were going to have the reception at our house. But what I didn't know was how I'll feel on my wedding day. I've been having major mood swings lately and nausea has been a nightmare. And just this morning I couldn't button my pants. How did Nova handle it? I wish she was here with me.

Her doctors had informed us that she still needed more time to heal but she would be out soon. This isn't healthy, not for Nova or Emmy or even us. She can't stay away from her child and regular routine forever.

I missed my sister. I missed her constant need to wear over – the – top clothing and barge into my house unannounced. I missed her laughter and her smile and I needed her here. I needed her to tell me everything would be okay and that she and Alex would be with me when the time comes to bring the twins into this world. I wanted to see her face when we told her we were having a girl and a boy.

I didn't realize I was crying until Tabitha pulled me in for a hug. She said everything would be alright and that the wedding would be perfect but I couldn't help but cry more. That's when the phone rang unexpectedly which made me jump. Gosh, I really need to get my emotions in check. Tabitha answered the phone while I went in search of a tissue box. But before I could take the box off the counter, Tabitha turned to me nearly in tears herself.

"What is it?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Elsie, Nova's awake."

Within minutes we were in the car and headed north towards Charleston to visit my sister whom I hadn't spoken to in a month. We arrived two hours after running into the building as if our lives depended on it.

"Hi, we're here to see Nova White." I said, a little out of breath from the trip from the parking lot.

"Right, have a sea and I'll get someone to take you to her room." She paused, typing away on her keyboard, "What's your relationship to the patient."

"I'm her sister." I said as Tabitha replied, "Her future sister – in – law."

"I see, well, have a seat and I'll let her know you're here.x

After a few minutes of waiting, a nurse came for us and led us down the familiar hallways towards Nova's room. Once we were inside, I was amazed to see that Nova was no longer surrounded by machines and that she was eating happily. Her usual slick ginger-colored hair was matted and in tangles and I knew she would want a shower as soon as she got out of bed.

"Elsie! Oh, It's so good to see you! How are you? Where's Josh? Why isn't Alex with you? How was Thanksgiving?"

Her questions hit me with so much force I felt I might topple over. I wondered how I would tell my sister all that had happened.

"What day is it? How long have I been out?"

Taking a deep breath, I calmly walked towards my sister, sitting next to her at a nearby chair. "Nova, there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it? What's wrong?" Worry filled her features until she caught sight of my left hand, "You're getting married!"

"Yes, I am," I smiled, "A lot has happened since you been, asleep," I told her about the pregnancy and her car crash. About her husband and her daughter all the while, her emotions ranged from deviation to pure joy at the mention of my marriage and the fact that she would be an aunt.

"Josh is – " Her voice broke as a cry escaped her list. Uncontrollable sobs racked her body as my heart ached for her.

Looking over at me after I had laid down beside her, her cries turned to quiet sobs until she was no longer crying.

"How far along are you?" She sniffed, "Do you have a picture for me?"

"I put it over there next to your flowers." Turning over, she softly took the ultrasound picture in her hands. She laughed as she saw the picture, "They're little blobs. Gosh, I can't imagine taking care of one new-born let alone two." She shook her head, running her finger over the picture, "When's the wedding?"

"February twelfth. I want you to be my maid of honor, of course. We're gonna have it on the beach."

She smiled, "You've always wanted a beach wedding. The doctor said I can see Emmy later today and I should be able to be discharged next week." She paused, "Then I can help with your wedding and the baby shower have you found out what you're having?"


"And?" Her smile grew bigger as she sat up in bed.

"We're having a girl and a boy."

The shriek I heard couldn't compare to the one she made not six months before when I first met Alex. It's crazy how time flies, even if you think it's been years. One second we were fine and the next she was hugging me, completely overwhelmed with joy.


The next few weeks went by in a blur of morning sickness, walks on the beach, and the overwhelming knowledge that I would no longer fit in my clothes. Not that I minded anyways, it was just, different. Nova was able to take Emmy home earlier today and she has been home with her ever since.

I was roughly three and a half months pregnant now and apparently, my children were the size of oranges. I've never understood the reason behind gauging children by the size of fruit and vegetables as they can all come in many different sizes. But I suppose it made sense to most expectant mothers.

Alex would be getting home soon from work and I still needed to decide if I would be stepping down as head of the conservation team and take leave to watch over our children. I suppose I could always help out in the aquarium from time to time but I think what would be best is to take care of my children and future husband. After all, this is what I've always wanted.

Just as I was about to pull the lasagna from the oven, Alex came through the front door holding something behind his back. Smiling over at him, I set the pan down and watched as he came towards me. "What are you hiding behind your back?"

"What do you mean?" He asked with a grin and my eyebrow rose.

"You are holding something behind your back! What is it?"

"Oh just some flip flops for my soon-to-be wife he says. Pulling out a bouquet of flowers instead of flip flops.

"Oh, they're beautiful! Wait, those aren't flip flops. Why did you get my flowers?"

"I can't get you flowers just to get you flowers?" He asked, eyes twinkling.

"Well, I mean, you can but you know you don't have to get me gifts." I said, tucking a fallen strand of hair out of my face, "I made lasagna for dinner."

Grabbing the flowers from Alex's outstretched hand, I gently set them in a vase full of water and set them on the counter. Alex came behind me and took the pan of lasagna into the dinning room where we sat and began eating.

"So how was your day?" I asked, dishing a small portion onto my plate along with some strawberries and pickles.

"It was good, your team has been asking if you were okay." He replied, taking a bite of his food.

"I told Aimmie that I will need to step down earlier this afternoon. I'm not sure if I should stay with the aquarium or not. I guess I could always start a conversation program here. Maybe I could help Nova with her shop now that she has Emmy."

Alex only nodded, I sensed that he was unsure of what to say as I turned to him, "What do you think I should do?"

"I don't want to say you have to stay with the kids, but I do think you should take some time to think it over."

I nodded in understanding, he was right, this was a big decision, one I couldn't take lightly. "Okay, anyway, tomorrow I'm heading out with the girls to go and get my dress."

"What should I wear?" He asked, turning to me.

"I'd say a nice button-up, preferably blue. I wanted it to be pretty laid back, beach casual is fine." I said, smiling over at him at the mention of our wedding.

"So what are you planning on wearing?" He inquired, his eyes twinkling once again.

"You know I can't tell you that. That's bad luck!" I laughed, trying to sound serious but it wasn't helping.

Shaking his head he stood, already finished with his meal as I was cautiously taking another note as nausea began to form at the pit of my stomach.

"Do you want me to save that for later?" He asked, picking up his plate and pointing towards mine.

"No, I'm good you can take it."

"Are you not hungry?" Alex asked, concern filled his features.

"No, I'm just nauseous. I can eat fruits and vegetables just fine. I was wanting lasagna earlier today but I think the babies changed their minds." I laughed, standing as Alex took my plate. "Do you need any help?"

"No, I'll be fine." He said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna get ready for bed." I replied, kissing Alex on the cheek and headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

As the water poured, I found myself wondering about my children and what they would look like. I wondered if they would be good at sports or if they would like art. And I wondered if Alex and I would be good parents. I guess there was only one way to find out.