Chapter 113 Hachimon Tonko no Jin 

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Perhaps Hiro hadn't even noticed it, but his chakra nature gradually changed. Moreover, the scene when he killed Ruishan and other Hidden Mist ninjas was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone, making them unconsciously awe of Hiro.

Hiro just now was like the God of Death on the battlefield.

Hiro also knew how the others felt, but he didn't care at all.

Hiro greeted Obito, Guy, and others. Before Hiro arrived, Obito and others had already joined and participated in several battles.

After seeing the battle just now, they realized how strong Hiro was. He completely turned the tide of the battle by his own strength alone. Just now, he killed many Hidden Mist ninjas with his powerful strength.

How did he become this powerful?!!

This made Obito and Kakashi look at Hiro with a bit of admiration and surprise.

Guy said: "Hiro-Kun, although my strength is not as good as you, I will try my best to surpass you! Last time I killed a Misty Chunin ninja, and Kakashi even killed a special."

After a while, about 30 ninjas has arrived at the Konoha camp, although they weren't many, they weren't few too...

After all, with the current tense situation, being able to send 30 ninjas to support it is already pretty good.

With these reinforcements, Shikaku was also relieved a little bit. If the reinforcements didn't come, he really couldn't do anything in this situation. In fact, Shikaku originally planned to retreat with the remaining ninjas to avoid any more casualties and losses.

After all, Shinku died, Konoha Ninja suffered heavy casualties, their morals were at the bottom, and it was almost impossible to win the Hidden Mist in this situation.

Fortunately, Hiro arrived at the right time and changed the situation, which significantly increased the confidence of the Konoha ninjas, which greatly encouraged them.

It can be said that Hiro appeared in the image of the hero at that moment.

At the same time, Hiro also saw a familiar figure, which startled him.

This person came?

With that being said, at this time...

Hiro saw an extraordinary person among the reinforcements, and he was dressed in a completely army-green weird costume, shiny hair with a thick beard and eyebrows. He was looking very passionate and energetic.

He was simply an advanced version of Guy.

Yes, this person is Might Duy!

Might Duy unexpectedly came with reinforcements.

Hiro was surprised by Sandaime's decision by sending Might Duy, also known as the Eternal Genin, with the reinforcements. It seems that Konoha is in a dire situation, that they even sent Might Duy to the battlefield.

This may also indicate that the incident in the original book is about to happen…..

"Dad!" Guy was very excited when he saw his father, and he ran toward his father to hug him.

Might Duy was also very excited: "Son! I have heard about your performance on the battlefield. You did a good job!" As he said that, Might Duy raised his thumbs up while showing his bright white teeth.

Hiro became speechless as he watched their wired ways to say hello to each other.

Other Konoha ninjas were also watching. Seeing the two people embracing each other, some of them even curled their lips and said: "The two wastes of Konoha, what a weird family."

"Isn't he Might Duy? Why did he come..."


Many Konoha ninjas were looking down at Might Duy. Although Might Duy is young, he can't do any Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. The only thing he can do is Taijutsu. So everyone is a bit disdainful of Might Duy.

But Might Duy already used to this kind of mockery

And ridicule, so he didn't care at all, but carefully asked about the recent training of his son: "Guy, how is your training recently?"

"Don't worry, father, even in the camp, I didn't stop training my Taijutsu."

"Very good, so today our goal is a thousand times of training, push-ups a thousand times, and squat a thousand times! Let's burn our blood!" Might Duy shout.

"Yes! Dad!" Hearing that, Guy was very motivated, so he said seriously and obeyed Might Duy's orders completely.

After that, the two of them started doing exercises in the camp. They ignored the ridicule of others and regarded their mockery as nothing.

Seeing them like this, Hiro smiled slightly, and he also understood very well in his heart that because of the day after day of hardworking and training, both Might Duy and Might Guy gained extremely strong physical power, not to mention the Eight Gates. After opening these gates, they will become even more powerful.

The deep red steam still lingering in Hiro's memory when Guy opened the Gate of Death.

Hiro always admires the people who will work extremely hard to achieve their goals and dreams.

In the camp, Might Duy and Guy both were training very hard. And with the arrival of reinforcements at this time, Shikaku started putting a new battle plan. He was planning to take the led to attack the Hidden Mist village.

And Hiro was looking forward to fighting with the Seven Swordsmen.

Hearing Guy and Duy's energetic shouts, Hiro smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, your performance on the battlefield wasn't bad."

Hiro's said that because he appreciates his strong and undying will, which made Guy scratch his head, not knowing what to say.

Hiro looked at Obito, Guy, and Kakashi. Among the three, Guy was the only one who was not injured. Both Kakashi and Obito were injured, and many parts of their bodies were bandaged.

Hiro shook his head. It seems that the Konoha camp has a very serious shortage of ninjas. If it weren't for Hiro's arrival, maybe the Konoha camp would not be able to support the defense line for so long, and the Hidden Mist would completely defeat them.

Even a super strategist like Shikaku can't do anything in this situation. After all, it is very difficult to fight an army with a few soldiers.

Just Hiro was thinking about killing the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Suddenly, he heard a noise from the outside of the camp. After a few minutes, there was an excited voice came from outside the camp: "It's great, the reinforcement had completely arrived."

The reinforcements came in batches, Hiro arrived before everyone, then Might Duy and his group, and now they!

Hiro also felt refreshed and walked out of the camp. To see the last batch of Konoha reinforcement...