Chapter 114 Reputation Increased!

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The next day, in the camp.

"Hiro-Kun, your fame has increased greatly, and it has already spread inside the Hidden Mist village!" Seeing Hiro coming, Shikaku smiled and said: "We also received information that the ninjas in Hidden Mist village were shocked and terrified by your strength."

"Oh?" Hiro became a little interested.

Hiro killed an elite Jonin Ruishan and the whole Hidden Mist Ninja squad by himself yesterday, leaving no one alive.

After the news reached the Hidden Mist village, the whole village turned upside down from the shock, and they didn't expect Konoha will send someone strong as Hero to the battlefield.

Destroying the entire ninja squad with one person's strength shows how strong Hiro is. His strength is not inferior to any Low Kage-Level ninja.

After Shinku's death, they thought the war would be much easier, but they didn't expect that Konoha would send Hiro to the battlefield so soon, which spread terror in the heart of the Hidden Mist ninjas.

Especially the High-Level management ninjas of the Hidden Mist, they all knew Hiro's name.

"The name of Konoha Starlight must have spread all over Hidden Mist Village by now, haha," Choza said, then let out a heartily laugh, his giant belly started tingling.

But after seeing Hiro's strength with his own eyes, Choza became very friendly to Hiro, which made Hiro smile faintly.

Although Hiro's reputation increased so much that Hiro himself became a little excited, Hiro still kept his mind in a calm state because what Hiro cared about is completely another thing, Revenge. He will make the Hidden Mist pay ten times back!

However, what Choza said is also true. The name of Starlight has gradually become louder in the Ninja World, especially in the Hidden Mist village, after he killed the whole squad by himself.

At present, Hiro's reputation cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Shikaku, Inoichi, Choza, and Hiro were all in the camp meeting room, Shikaku said in a deep voice: "At present, the Hidden Mist village doesn't know that our reinforcements have arrived, and the fact that the opponent doesn't have any information about our current strengths, will give us a huge advantage in the next battle."

"Choza and Hiro each will lead a team, I will assist Choza from the side, and Inoichi, you are in charge of the overall situation, you will use your Sensor Ninjutsu to pass on the intelligence of the entire battlefield for us," Shikaku said.

Hearing his plan, everyone nodded.

From the original work, Hiro knew that Inoichi's intelligence transmission ability is indeed very powerful. He could perceive the overall situation of the battlefield and accurately convey it to everyone's mind. He can be considered a human-shaped radar.

Sure enough, just like in the original work, their strength can be comparable to the Kage-Level ninja when the three of them work together. That is why the Konoha camp lasted for so long under continuous attacks on the Hidden Mist village.

After putting a good plan, Hiro and Choza each led a squad, and the two selected their squad members and then marched towards the battlefield.

Hiro selected twenty ninjas to follow him, including Might Duy.

When Hiro selected Might Duy, everyone was a little puzzled, and they didn't expect that Hiro will choose the weakest ninja to be a member of his squad.

But after all, this was Hiro's squad, and no one had the right to make Hiro chose someone else.

Under such circumstances, Might Duy joined Hiro's ninja team. He was very grateful to Hiro: "Thank you, Hiro-Kun, thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

"You are polite. Guy and I are good friends. Besides, I respect hard-working ninjas," Hiro replied sincerely.

Hearing Hiro's words, I saw Might Duy nodded vigorously and said with a serious voice: "I will do my best."

"Good." After a brief exchange, Hiro found that Might Duy was an easy-going person.

People like Might Duy are eager to get others' approval and be respected by others.

Hiro's sincere words made Might Duy have a very good impression of Hiro.

Hiro led his ninja squad across the border of the Hidden Mist Village in the early morning. This time, Hiro and others' goal was to surprise attack the Hidden Mist Village and kill the surrounding ninjas.

And Choza and Shikaku also have the same goal, but they took another direction to attack. Guy, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, and others were in Choza's squad, not in Hiro's.

Hiro led his squad all the way to the border of the Hidden Mist Village. As they walked deep inside the Hidden Mist territory, suddenly they came into a big river, but the river was completely covered with mist and clouds.

"Sure enough, as its name, The Hidden Mist village. The geographical environment is completely different from Konoha. There are rivers and water everywhere, which makes this land very suitable for Water Ninjutsu Users..." Hiro thought.

"Hiro-Sama, Inoichi-Sama has sent information, saying that we are now very close to the enemy's stronghold." As Hiro was thinking, the ninja who is in charge of receiving the intelligence interrupts his thoughts.

Hiro nodded. His face also became a little serious. But at this time, he noticed that the surrounding changed somehow.


Hiro said in a low voice. Because he had already sensed that someone was coming toward them, he immediately ordered to let the squad members disperse.

Hearing Hiro's orders, they followed his instructions and spread out one by one into different directions to avoid being detected.

Hiro also flashes then appeared standing on top of a tree.

But the comer still noticed him.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see Konoha's Starlight so soon. Too much young." a faint voice came. The owner of this voice clearly recognized him, and he also knows about Hiro's strength, but he still came here, which is enough to show that he is very confident in strength. The legendary Mokuton user is better than I thought.

Hiro shrugged his shoulders and said: "I'm not young, but you're too old." Hiro has already recognized the identity of the person who came from Hidden Mist Village.

The comer is a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

After Hiro said that, killing intent burst from his eyes.