Decision making

For the past couple of days, I haven't been able to make a decision on what to do. Maybe I should ask my dad if I could go to work with him to see how it works before making my decision.

I walk out my room ready for the day as I'll ever be. I get to my father's office to hear there is someone else in there with him. So, I knock before walking in on his conversation with the person.

The person I see sitting in his office was someone I wasn't expecting. "Mother?" I ask surprised at the most. I look up at my father who looks angry. "What's going on?" I asked shutting the door behind me.

"Well, your mother here thinks she can just walk up in here and take you back." He says through gritted teeth. I looked at the both of them before laughing. "You really think I want to go back with you?" I say make it sound like a question to her.

"Well yes, I do because I'm your mother young lady." She says straightening her outfit up. "You're so funny to think I will go back with you. You gave that right up when you made me pack up and move here. So, you better get your ass up out that chair and go back to your so amazing life without me. Goodbye." I say holding the door open for her.

"You were such a brat anyway. You were a daddy's girl from the start. And this is why I didn't want children. They always irritating little brats." She says before walking out of the room for good.

"Don't listen to her. She never uses to be like this until she was planning to leave being so hateful towards people. But was there something you wanted?" My father says walking towards me.

"Yeah. I wanted to see if I could go to work with you to see how you run the family business." I say looking at my father. "Alright if that's what you want. We'll be leaving in about two hours so wear something comfortable." He says before shushing me out the room.

Still the same old dad who is always busy working.

I walk back to my room to find a note on the bed. That's weird I think to myself. I open the note to read "I'll be seeing you soon XX"

I put the note on my desk not thinking much of it. I go back to writing my summer reading paper. Even though I love to read, I don't like to write a four-paper essay on it.

Couple hours later

I finished my paper to email it before I get a dress for the night. I look for black pants and a red shirt. I put on my boots and grabbed a jacket before walking out of my room with the phone in one hand.

I get down to my father's office to find him still working at his desk. "I'm almost done writing my reports for the day." He says not even looking up from the computer screen.

He turns off his computer before getting up and smiling at me. "Your all ready to go?" He asks as he walks over to me. I nod my head yes.

I follow him out the office to the front door where Shane is waiting. "Ready to go, sir?" He asks my father with a blank face. "Yes, have the driver take me to my office." He says getting in the back. I follow behind quietly.

With a few turns, here and there my father says something. "We are being followed. I need you to lose them fast."

I heard a soft 'yes sir.' before I felt the car speed up to lose the person behind us.

After a little more turns we lost the people. We finally made it to a house a little smaller than the one my dad lives in. "Where are we?" I ask getting out.

"It's my father's old house that I use for my other business. Plus, with the line of work I do, I can't really be too safe. Because now a day's people are stupid to go after people." He explains as we walk into the house.

I see a couple people waiting in the living room to the left when I looked around.

Instead of him greeting the people, he walks straight to his office. I follow behind taking a seat next to him. "Shane send the family in." My father says looking at a file from his desk.

When the family comes in you would expect them to be a happy family. But no, the mother looks like she's had no sleep-in days with a tear-stained face. When the father had no emotions showing but you could tell he would break any moment.

"Father, I beg of you for help." The women speak with sadness in her voice.

"What are you asking me?" My father says with no hint emotions in his voice. "Our son needs surgery, we don't have the kind of money the doctors are asking for." This time the man speaks up. Holding his wife for dear life.

"What you're asking me is to pay for your child's surgery, If I'm correct?" My father asks as he looks at the couple.

I see a fear strike in the women's eyes, scared her child won't get the care he needs.

"If I may ask, what is wrong with the child," I ask the couple. "He has burns all over his body. For him to have his skin back the doctors say they can rebuild his cells back but it's very expensive surgery." The mother explains to the both of us.

"I guess I'll fund the money. But I want payments. They don't have to be big ones. Just get me the money when you can every month." My father says dismissing the couple.

"Is this what you do all the time?" I ask looking at him. "Sometimes but there are times where I have to use violence in a situation. It's only when someone is a trader or does crimes against the family. Also, when we need to teach someone a lesson. But you won't be anywhere near it." My father says before more people come in.

The night goes on, I only see my father snap once at someone for hearing that a man wanting to have someone kill his wife so that he could marry someone else.

My father turns to me and says "That's all for tonight. But what you will be doing is going to meetings with me sometimes like this but the dangerous one you will stay home. I can't have you getting hurt." My father as we walk out of the office to be stopped by one in a suit.

"Hello Mr. Lion, what can I do for you?" My father says to the man. "I heard your daughter was back in town and wanted to know if you were going to take my offer in having her marry my oldest son." The man says seriously.

"My daughter will not be marrying your no-good son. Now get out of my house." My father says pushing past the man.

I follow after him in a rush to the car. "What's wrong with the man?" I ask my father. "Get in the car now." My father says angrily.

I get into the car, putting my seatbelt on. "There is always someone who is going to go after the business." My father says to me.

"Okay. I think I made my decision. I'll work in the family business." I say before getting out the car to walk to my room for the night.