The start of the day was busy. Nothing but planning for an upcoming party event.
As the time comes close for the party to start my great aunt Hilda comes into the house smoking away on her hookah. It's like you can smell her even before she comes into the house.
"Nora you've grown into a beautiful bride." She says in a raspy voice. "Thanks, aunt Hilda," I say awkwardly.
"I've got some stories to tell you in a bit." My aunt says in a raspy voice. "Alright, I'll catch up with you later. I need to check people in." I say walking past her to the front door to answer it.
I checked so many people in that I lost count. The last person at the door was Mr. Jason who smiled at me when he got to the door. "Hey, Nora, where is your father at I need to talk to him." He says putting his coat on the rack.
"He is in his office, sir," I say smiling back and pointing to the room. He walks into the room closing the door behind him.
I walk around the backyard since its pretty big. Some of the kids and adults are swings. Some are eating and laughing.
I walk to the food table to get some soda to drink. I sip my drink some more before walking into the house to see Mr. Jason gone already.
My father comes over to me and says "There is a problem."
"What kind of problem are you saying?" I ask worriedly. "Someone is going around causing more problems for Mr. Jason and I. A few of our men have been taken and beaten close to death. It a warning." My father says trying to remain calm.
"What are we going to do then?" I ask my father worried. "We are going to lay low for a bit to find the person but for you, you're going to start high school next week. You're going to a private school." My father says making me groan in disappointment.
"It's for your own safety so be glad that they didn't come for you first. Or I don't know what I would have done. Now go found something to do." My father says pointing to the party.
I walk back into the party to be knocked over by a big scary man with a scar going down his left cheek.
"Oh, I'm sorry miss. I didn't see you there." He says with a fake smile trying to be nice but you could see the horrible things he did just through his eyes.
"Oh, it's no biggie sir, go enjoy yourself," I say with a small smile trying to be nice. I watch him walk away till I knew I would be fine to hide before my aunt founds me.
"Nora dear come to sit with us." I aunt Hilda says in a raspy voice. "Do I have a choice?" I say trying to make it sounds if my question was a joke.
"No, now sit your tushie down. We need to talk." She says smoking away still. I sit down next to her.
She grabs my hand and looks at me very seriously to say "Dear we need to find you a suitable husband. It's better that you marry young. I know your father probably has someone picked out but you can't always trust a man. Even though he is your own father."
"Yeah right. I don't need a husband right now. All they do is lie and cheat or the good ones are with a liar that trapped them. So I'm good being single unless the right one comes and knocks me over my head." I say laughing at my crazy aunt.
"You don't know if you met the right man yet because of it may be too late already." She says before getting up and leaving me to think through my thoughts.
She could be right but who knows, she's crazy. I think to myself. I get up to walk into the house to stop on my way in. "Nora, you need to go to the school to get your uniform and schedule tomorrow." My father says handing the schools handbook.
"Do I really have to read this?" I ask taking the book from him. "Yes, you do. This school is very important so you need to go. You're not able to go to public school because it's unsafe so just please go with it so that I can keep you safe." My father explains to me.
"Okay fine. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight." I say walking to my room shutting the door behind me for the night.
I'm up and ready to leave the house to get to school for my stuff. "Hey, I have the car waiting to take you to the school," Nick says handing me a bottle of water.
"Okay, thanks, I'll see you later," I say walking towards the car. "You really think your father is going to let you leave the house alone," Nick says laughing as he gets in the back seat next to me. He tells the driver the address of the school.
The drive felt like a lifetime to the school. When we finally get their Nick follows me to the office. "Can I help you with something?" I ask nick but before he can say anything the principal comes out with my papers and uniform in hand.
"Here are four sets of the uniform for the year and a set for the gym." He says handing me my stuff. "School will be starting soon. I don't like tardiness. You get a spot in the school since your father is a close friend of mine. So please no trouble." He says typing away on his desktop.
"I understand sir. I'll be on my best behavior." I say before walking out of the room to the car with nick hot on my tail.
"Let's go home," I say as we get in the car. I look at my schedule to see I only have six classes and a free period.