
Today I'm getting the last of the alterations to my dress for the wedding.

Blaire, my mother-in-law, and I make our way to the dress shop.

We make our way into the store to be stopped by the designer of my dress. I wanted something simple but beautiful.

"Ms. Rizzo I have your dress waiting for you in the fitting room for the last touch-up before the big day." He says as he moves us to the room.

"You're amazing Fernando. Let's get this started." I say as I change into my dress.

I walk out of the fitting room to the mirror room where everyone is.

"Damn girl, you are glowing like your a goddess." Fernando says smiling as he walks around me.

"Really? I feel nervous about the wedding. I just want to be with him, to love him." I say as I look at myself in the mirror.

"Honey his jaw will drop when he sees you dress like that. Now let me see what else I have to do." He says as he looks around the dress as I stand on the step.

As he works on the dress with it still on me, we talk about where we plan on doing for the honeymoon after the wedding and about getting a house near our families.

Sometime after Fernando finishes touch-ups to my dress. When I take my dress off and get it to him. We leave to get our feet and nails done before the big day.


I wake up early in the morning to get ready since the wedding is at 12.

Blaire walks into my room without knocking like always. "Its time to get ready. Get up and go shower." She says as she pulls the covers off of me.

"Fine, I'm getting up." I say huffing as I get out of the bed. I rush to the bathroom turning the water on in the shower to shave what I need to and washing what I need to.

I turn the water off to get out. I dry off my body with my towel hanging in my bathroom.

As I'm drying myself the door swings open. I rush to cover myself with the towel. "Good, you're done showering. Here put these on." Blaire says as she hands me sexy undergarment to wear under my dress. I stare at her like she has two head for opening the door on me.

"Knock next time, please. You almost give me a heart attack." I say as I'm still looking at her.

"Oh sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you. I just need to get you ready." She says before closing the door.

I rush to get my undergarments on before slipping my robe on. "Okay, I'm ready." I say walking out of the bathroom getting nervous about today.

"Alright sit down and close your eyes for me to do your makeup. You're soon to be mother-in-law will be here to do our hair for us." She says as she picks up a makeup palette.

I do as she says to close my eyes. After a little while, she pulls away from my face. I open my eyes to look at myself.

My makeup looks natural as always but with eyeliner this time. "Thank you so much. But you need to get ready too." I tell her smiling.

"Oh, I will. I'm just happy for you. I'm glad I'm here for this day." She says tearing up a bit. I take ahold of her hands to say "I'm glad too. You're my sister and my best friend. I wouldn't give you up for anything."

"Same here. Oh, crap it's late I need to get ready. I'll be back." She says before running out of the room.

My mother-in-law walks into the room with a bag as Fernando walks in behind her with my dress with him placing it on the bed before walking out.

"I'm going to leave your hair down to curl it. But I have something to give you, it's a family heirloom. My mother-in-law gave it to me on my wedding day so I want to give it to you now. It's a tradition to keep." She says as she puts it on me. It's a necklace shaped like a heart with diamonds as I analyze it.

"They are real diamonds. It's from the early 1900s. That's how far back the tradition goes. So keep it safe." She says smiling at me through the mirror.

"I promise I'll keep it safe." I say smiling back at her. "Now let me do your hair." She says going her bag on my bed.

She quickly does my hair. After she's done I slip on my dress and put my heels on.

"Okay, I'm ready."


My father walks up to me. I put my arm around his arm before we walk down to the altar.

"I'm always here if you need me." My father whispers to me. "I know. I'll always be around too" I whisper back to him.

We get to the end of the aisle. My father kisses my cheek before giving me to Richie.

"Today we are here to watch these two people take their vows today. Is there anyone who objects of this marriage?" The priest says to the people in the church before continuing as he looks at me "Do you take Richard as your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do. I take this ring as a sign of love, loyalty, and happiness." I say as I put the wedding ring on his finger.

"Do you take Nora as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest says looking at Richie.

"I do. I take this ring as a sign of love, loyalty, and happiness." Richie says as he put the wedding ring on my finger.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Richie, you may kiss your bride. The priest says.

We kiss each other. The priest says "It's my great honor and privilege to be the first to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Rines!"

We walk down the aisle and out to the car the drive to the reception.

We get to our reception party. We dance, eat, and speeches.

But right now its time to cut the cake. We each take hold of the knife to cut the cake.

We each get a piece feeding it to each other. We finish the day out before leaving for our honeymoon.

"We need to make it to the airport." Richie says to me as we say bye to everyone.

"Alright, I'll change on the plane." I say as we make our way to the car.

We get to the plane. "Where are we going?" I ask him as we get settled onto the plane.

"We are going to The Bahamas. It's going to be fun." He says kissing me before sitting down as the plane pulls off.