It's been a couple of months since the wedding. We are expecting a baby boy on the way.
I'm standing on the beach in a sundress with flip-flops on. "Honey you need to sit down. The doctor wants you resting as much as you can." Richie says rushing to my side.
"I know but it's Blaire's wedding today. We need to hurry babe." I say as I rub my belly to feel the baby kick.
I reach for Richie's hand to put it on my stomach to feel the baby kick. I look up at him to see the surprise on his face.
"He is going to be a kicker. This feels perfect." He says as he kisses my swollen belly.
"Its time to go." I tell him as I take his hand in mine.
"Alright, let's go." He says as we walk down the beach more to where the wedding is.
We watch as they both say I do to each other. Then the priest tells Shane to kiss the bride.
We wait for them to come around to tell them congratulations.
Blaire walks up to us with Shane following right behind her. "So I have some news to tell you." She tells me as we sit down at a table.
"What is it?" I ask her
"We will be staying here for a little while longer before we leave for Hawaii to take my place on the governing board as their queen. And Shane will be staying with me too." She says looking at me.
"That's great but I hope you'll come to see your godchild born." I say smiling as I rub my belly more.
"Oh, I will be. I wouldn't miss it for the world." She says as she places her hand on my belly to feel the baby.
Party continued for hours, soon the sun went down. Blaire and Shane were ready to leave for their honeymoon.
* several months later *
I'm wobbling around the house in pain ready to push the baby out.
I hold my belly screaming "RICHIE, the baby is coming"
I wobble to the door to see Shane, Richie, and Blaire running towards me.
"Ahh, crap this hurts." I cry out from the pain. We rush to the car, turning off the street straight to the hospital.
We get into the hospital to have a nurse rush me to a room to get me ready to push.
"We don't have enough time for an IV. You need to push now the doctor is here." The nurse says to me.
I look at Richie horrified. "This is going to hurt. But I need you to push." The doctor says to me
"AHHHH" I scream as I push.
I push for a while more until I hear a babies cry. The nurse lays my baby on my chest.
"Its a healthy baby boy, what would you like to name?" The nurse says to us.
I look at Richie for him to name our boy. "Keith Rines is his name." He says to the nurse.
Later on, I'm put in a room for everyone to come see us.
Our parents come by first to me and the baby before getting some rest.
I wake up to find someone in my room. I get up to protect my child from the stranger.
"He is not the one we want. We'll be back around again for the second child." The man says being a creep as hell before walking out the room.
I rush to the nurse button to alert her to come into the room.
"Mrs. Rines, what's wrong?" The nurse says running into the room.
"Go get my husband now, hurry please." I say panicking as I take my baby boy into my arms.
I watch to the door cautiously waiting for my husband. He comes in running with a panic look on his face. "Honey, what's wrong?" Richie says pulling us into a hug.
"I think one of my uncle's men was here checking to see if we had a boy or girl." I say holding my baby as close as I can to my body.
"I'll be back. I'm going to make a call to setup security for now on." He says before pulling out his phone to make a call.
For the first couple of weeks after getting home from the hospital, I only left the house for appointments for the baby and me.
A year later I find out I'm pregnant again but with a girl this time.
Months go by with no sign of my uncle or his man, so we decided to carry on with our lives and prepare for our second child who should be here any day now.
I walk into my father's company with my son in his stroller making my way to the front desk as I'm rubbing belly to smooth out the pain. "Hi, can you tell my father we are here?" I ask the security guard at the front desk.
"Ah yes, Mrs. Rines. Give me a moment please as I call him." The security guard says to me as he picks the phone up.
I turn away from him to give Keith his bottle with some Goldfish to snack on.
"Mrs. Rines your father is on his way down as we speak." The Security man says before going back to work.
"Thank you, sir." I say to him. I turn to give my son my full attention when I feel myself leak thinking a just peed a little but I was wrong big time.
I look down to see my water has broke. "I need you to call my husband that we are heading to the hospital, not lunch." I say back to the security guy as I rub my belly to smooth out the pain again.
"Dad, hurry up take Keith we need to got to the hospital." I say as I hand him the stroller before wobbling as fast as I can out to the car with my dad and Keith hot on my trail.
"Alright drive get to the hospital and fast." My father says as he straps Keith into his car seat.
We get to the hospital in no time to find Richie there waiting for me.
"I already talked to the doctor she is waiting for you." Richie says as he guides me to the room where the doctor is.
A couple of hours of being in labor and pushing our beautiful baby girl finally in the world.
"What would you like to name her?" The doctor asks me.
"Her name is Cara Rines." I say as I hold my baby girl.
After giving birth I was able to go home after a couple of days with our little girl.
Months have gone by with it being peaceful with no sign of danger. We we eventually went back to our normal lives to continue raising our children and our growing business.