Chapter 12

I walked around the room tracing my fingertips over the guns. My eyes glistened at the sight infront of me.

When I finished I decided to go up for dinner since it was 6:49.

I roamed around the first floor trying to find the dinning room for about ten minutes straight.

Finnally I found it and boy was I in for a suprise.

The dinning room was massive.

"Holy sh*t." I exclaimed as I took a seat in the nearest seat infront of me.

I wasn't even in the room two minutes when Ryder slumped into the chair across from me his eyes still half closed.

"Well, did you have a nice sleep?" I asked filling my glass to the top with water given to us on the table.

"Yep, beautiful. You?" He replied, reversing the question back to me.

"Ehh. Yeeeah..." I lied looking around the room pretending to look at and admire the interior of the room we sat in.

"That's good. So how about a race after dinner so you can see that my car is waay better than yours." He remarked cheekily looking at his phone.

"Yeah, yeah just you see Mr. Kim." I scoffed.

When I finished my sentence Ryder eyes got wide and stared right through me.

"How did you know that. You salker." He accused.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Ugh whatever." He said as he rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his phone.

A moment of silence was heard before the door in the right corner of the room opened, revealing two waiters holding silver dishes containing our dinners.

The waiter placed the dishes infront of us and wished us a good meal. We thanked them as tbey left the room closing the doors behind them.

"I can get used to this." I bellowed as I tucked in to my dinner.

I recives no response from Ryder as he was too busy scoffing his food down his throat. Considering we didn't eat since our breakfast it was understandable.

It only took us 10 minutes to completely devour our food. I was stuffed but felt like I needed to eat more.

"Right, lets go race!" Ryder chimed, jumping up from his chair and leading me out of tbe house to our garage, where our cars were being kept.

I was shakimg with excitement. My car was even more beautiful that the picture. The interior was cream and the car could drive itself if I wanted it to. This was my dream car by far.

I hopped in and presses the on button. The engine started with a loud roar. As I moved the clutch into first gear the car rolled out of it's parking spot and out of the garage doors.

I'm at Ryder a little further down the driveway to our house and stopped once we both got through the majestic gates. The guards wished us a safe dive and bowed to us on either side while we drove passed them.

We halted just before driving on to the road as we still needed to agree on a destination. Pressing the bottom on the door to lower my window I popped my head out.

"So how about we go to the docks" Ryder suggested as he pulled down the window of his passenger side.

"Fine by me. Just let me get it on gps and we'll start then." I noted.

"All you need to do is say hey Lola. She like a Siri but just for your car." He explained.

"I have the same thing but he's called Ross."

"No way!" I replied, genuinely shocked at this new technology.

"Hey Lola." I shouted and instantly got a response.

"Hello, Miss Black. What can I do for you today?" Lola asked, as the car vibrated with the sound of her voice sounding through the speakers.

"Can you send me to the nearest docks please?" I asked excitedly. I couldn't believe that this was actually possible. I mean I knew that technology was advancing but I didn't think that it was THIS advanced.

"Sure. Your arrival time will be 7:29."

"You think we can beat that?" Ryder asked me, shouting through the window.

"Ha! Is that even a question." I stated revving up my car.

I lifted my foot off the brake and swiched it to the gas pedal. Stomping down on it, I zoomed passed Ryder and down the street.

Not only are we under aged drivers we were also breaking ALL the laws of the road.

But its okay, right? We both have our driving licences amd not just any ordinary one but ones from the C. I. A.

Six minutes zoomed by and Ryder passed me by at tbe last minute. I beeped at him to distract him but it didn't work. We arrived a few seconds later and decided to park in a near, dark ally way.

I pusher Ryder as soon as I got out of my car. He didn't push me as I expected him to. But nudged me lightly.

It reminded of me of my dad and my older brother. My brother would beat me in all of our races and then he would tease me by nudging me.

I missed them so much and especially my mom. But theres not much I could do. Their dead and have been for years now. I just have to except that.

Me and Ryder walked and talked around untill we heard a gun shot on the other side of the building.

We climbed up the to the roof and army crawled to the edge to see what was happening.

There were many men armed with guns coming off a boat. I guessed it was a drug shipping. The guy who we guessed was was in charge, walked out and shot one of the workers.

Just then one of the armed men walked over to the guy in charge and told him something. When he was finished the man in charge whipped his head over toward our direction.