Guild War for the Newbie

"All of you should know better than to poke your noses in other people's business. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're just being jealous."

"Master, that's easy for you to say since you already have the first lady." Somebody called from the back.

"See... jealous." Guild Master Duram smirked and everybody started laughing.

And just like that, the tension in the room disappeared. I smiled gratefully at the guild master as he approached us.

"Thank you, master."

"Hey now, I didn't do it for you. I just wanted to prove that I'm way better in appeasing a crowd than your brother." He grinned at me.

"That was never my intention." Was Teiran's bland retort.

"Sure, if you say so." He nodded at my brother and then winked at me when he wasn't looking. "You're about to eat breakfast, right? Can I join you?"

"Please don't. You're a nuisance."

"Teiran!" I glared at my brother who just rolled his eyes and headed back to his table. "I'm so sorry, master. Of course, you can.'

"Aiyah. Such a well-mannered young lady. How on earth can you be related to that big bag of curses." He shook his head as we followed my brother.

I just giggled at his remark.

Guild Master Duram is ranked as one of the strongest tanks on WoG for as long as I could remember. I heard that he used to be a core member to WoG's biggest and oldest guild, but for some reason left them in bad terms. He was then recruited to other big guilds, but apparently couldn't get along with the other members so he hopped on from guild to guild, that is until he decided to form his own, thus the Emblem.

"If you wanted to say something, just say it. There's no need for you to eat with us." Teiran looked at the guild master irritably.

We just get to sit and his mouth is running wild again. He's the only one who would dare to act like this around the guild master.

I glared at my brother to which he pointedly ignored.

"Aww... come on, don't be like that. Star left early for some errands, don't you feel bad for me that I'm gonna have to eat alone?" The master gave Teiran what seemed to be his attempt of a puppy dog eyes.

I giggled as Teiran just gave him a disgusted look.

Soon after, Merideth placed our meals in the table.

"Enjoy your meal. Let me know if you need seconds." She told us in her sing sang voice.

"Thanks, Meri." I responded gratefully. She nodded her head in response and left.

Last night I just had a light meal of some soup and bread, this is going to be my first time to a real WoG meal. And they look so good too.

I was about to take my first spoonful of the curry-like food when guild master Duram spoke.

"Say Avyzhia, what do you think of participating in the next guild war."

Teiran choked on his food, while I just stared at the master for a moment.

"Are you out of your mind?"


Teiran and I talked at the same time, although we had totally opposite bearings. I frowned at Teiran as he put his fist down on the table in protest.

"No, she won't!"

"Avyzhia seemed like she wants to, though. Don't you?"

"Yes, I do." I nodded eagerly at the master and then turned to pout at my brother, feeling a little hurt even. "Why won't you let me? I may not be as strong as you, but I know I can hold myself against other playe- I mean adventurers. Can't you trust me?"

Teiran sighed in exasperation. "It's not a matter of trust, Avy. I know you're strong. You wouldn't be here if you aren't, but you're not suited for guild wars, not to mention you barely have any experience with it."

"And that's exactly why she has to go."

Teiran just glared at the guild master, which the latter returned with a nonchalant smile.

"I want to go. I really do. Please." I looked at Teiran earnestly. "I'll try to only do sneak attacks as much as I can."

"But that's not..."

"I'll be safe, I promise."

It's true that I don't have that much of an experience on guild wars. PvP has never been my thing, I prefer going against monster. I got away before cause I used my job as an excuse since the schedule for the wars usually coincide with my work hours, and the guild master was lenient with me especially since I'm very generous with my contributions.

But this time around I wanna try it, and won't let my brother's overprotectiveness get in the way. I'm not as strong as the rest but I'm not weak either, I'm pretty sure I can deal a good amount of damage too. And isn't the assassin class especially suited for PvP? Psshhh, he's really just exaggerating.

I can see Teiran struggle internally. Why wouldn't he just give in? He's being too much, seriously.

I frowned defiantly. "I'm gonna do it whether you agree or not. You can't stop me."

"That's the spirit, Avyzhia. Let your brother get it." Someone called from the back.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't let him tell you what to do. You have our support."

Everybody started cheering, making me blush.

"Shut it, you fucking eavesdroppers." Teiran shouted at them annoyedly, for which they just returned with laughter. He then sighed heavily as he turned to me. "Fine, if you really want to, go."

"Yes! Thank you!" I reached out to give him a hug.

"But she's going to be in the same party as that shithead." He pointedly declared to the guild master.

"I knew you'd say that. I actually already formed the perfect party for her." He smiled confidently.

"Hah! So you said. If anything happens, it's on you."

"Don't be silly, Teiran. What could ever go wrong?" Dheyniz sounded so confident as she approached our table. "She'll be in my party together with the rest of the girls, and we're well-balanced. We can show her how everything works."

Teiran just snorted.

"Why you- !"

"That's settled then." Guild master Duram intervened by clapping his hand once to get everyone's attention. "It's going to be five days from now. Dheyniz will inform you of the other details after the council meeting, until then you can practice in the arena. I know it's been awhile since you've had a spar with anyone, right?"

I didn't say anything but just nodded my head eagerly. I'm pretty sure everyone can tell how excited I am. I wonder how it feels like directing my attacks and skills on someone. I can't wait!


I went to look for Nero right after breakfast. Teiran said it'd be better to start sparring with him first for warm-up before we hit the Infinite Tower.

I'm pretty sure he just wants to get rid of me to talk to the master though, but who cares. I can't wait to tell Nero the news anyway.

The first thing that hit me when I opened the door to the guild is the salty sea breeze of Sea Prism. I've only read about it on the NPC logs but now that I'm actually here, it does feel great. Living in a port town like this is awesome, not just the air but also the bustling of people, merchants and travellers alike trading their goods. I mean, it's probably also because it's one of the places that the skyship docks to, but the marketplace here is one of the best in all of WoG. Almost everything can be found here, no wonder the master chose Sea Prism as our headquarters.

This is gonna be the first time I can roam around an actual town in WoG. It's just like how I imagined, and more. But first let's try looking for Nero, if he's actually still in town.

And he was, after a while of walking around the town, I finally saw him sitting by his lonely self on an unused dock.

Hmm... Should I say something? What should I say? He's probably still upset about earlier. Well, who told him to get all sensitive so early in the morning. Ah, but with the timing, he probably saw Jeila before she left the guild.

Forget it. Let's just stay with him for now. It's not like anything an inexperienced person would say can be worth anything.

This time I purposely made my presence known a little earlier, not that he won't notice me either way, and then sat on the dock beside him. I didn't say anything, nor did he acknowledge my presence, but I'm fine with that and so does he.

"He's right, you know." Nero said suddenly although still not looking my way. He just stared out in the sea as he was doing since before I sat with him.

Is he talking about what Teiran said earlier? What does he mean? Did something happen before they dated or something? I really don't get it. What am I supposed to say to that? Wait, should I even have to say anything? I'm not really good with this heart to heart talk thingy.

Sigh. Let's just... say something safe.

"I think, the past... is not as important as the present or the future. We should always treasure and live for what we have now."

I know I am.

Like I said earlier, it doesn't really matter how I got here. But the fact that I'm here is what really matters. From now on I'm going to live my life to the fullest.

"Heh. Sometimes you do say something deep. Did you hear that from someone?" He sounded really amused.


So rude! Even though I'm trying to be nice.

"I'm sorry about earlier, and for dragging you into this mess."

"What are you saying? I'm your best friend. I've got your back anytime." I grinned as I playfully hit his arm. "And I know you'll do the same for me."

"Right... best friend..."

Huh? Why does he sound disappointed?

Well nevermind, let's just change the topic for now.

"By the way, I've got news!" I said excitedly. "I'm going to participate in the next guild war."

"You're going to do what now?"

Now he sounded and looked horrified.

What the heck! Don't tell me he's going to get all-over me too.