Nero sighed heavily for the nth time while he was waiting for Avyzhia outside the entrance of the Arena. She insisted on wanting to look around, Frontier, the Kingdom's capital city first, since it's been awhile since she was able to do so; and looking as he was not in the mood since morning, she insisted to go alone and made him just wait for her.
Of course, there's no way he'd be in the mood, not only is he having a rough time with Jeila but now it seems that Avyzhia's going to give him a headache too.
He already found her acting very unusual since they came back yesterday, and now she's being told to take part in the guild war. What's more is she's all aboard with it.
He recalled what had happened earlier when he went to appeal to the guild master as soon as Avyzhia told him of the news...
"Master, please reconsider. You really shouldn't let Avy go."
"Why are you acting like this, Nero?" Dheyniz shook her head annoyedly. "You're being too obvious by being too overprotective of her. She can handle herself."
"Obvious on what? You don't even know what you're talking about so just shut up." Nero snapped coldly.
"Wha- ! What's there to worry about anyway? It's not like we're up against a top guild this time. We can just let her do whatever she wants, although she'll probably just end up as a bystander and not to anything."
Nero actually looked horrified at the suggestion.
"Master, please. You know this is not going to end well. It never does."
"Nero, I perfectly know where you are coming from, but please also understand that her presence is necessary for the guild's goals." Duram said calmly. "We'll put you on the same party this time so you can look out for her, and you'll have Dheyniz and the others."
"That's right. If anything happens, we'll be able to help her."
Nero snorted. "Don't make me laugh, with how you are right now, I doubt it."
"Why you! Since earlier you've been such a dick, you know that?"
"Come on, just let them be." Teiran commented amusedly. "Don't even try to let them know on what to expect, since they insisted on this themselves, let them experience it first-hand." He then looked at the guild master and his apprentice coldly. "By the time they realize it, it's gonna be too late. You might not even be able to handle the consequences."
"Have a little faith, Tei-Tei." Rim grinned, calling out from the neighboring table. "I'm also very curious about it. I do wanna see for myself too. All these hype got me so intrigued."
Teiran just glared at him while Nero shook his head.
"I'm sure, you're right." Duram calmly agreed with Teiran. "Still it must be done."
"You have to watch out the most, Duram." He added with a cynical smile. "She's never one to let it go easily for being used."
"I'll take my chances." He answered, letting on a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
With how the conversation went, Nero realized that this was all part of the guild master's plan. He's scheming something, without even realizing how serious the situation could become. Perhaps it's because they hadn't witnessed it themselve that they're being hasty.
But he knows, after all he's been there everytime, witnessing everything himself.
He sighed again.
He just hopes that this won't end as bad as the previous ones. After all, both he and Avyzhia have grown quite accustomed with Emblem, not to mention the fact that Teiran would never again let his sister move to another guild.
"Well now, if it isn't that wench's bitch." Sneered someone at Nero. "Long time no see. Is the wench still alive?"
Nero looked up at the owner of the voice and immediately recognizing him and his cronies who were behind him. Nevertheless, he acted oblivious even though all he wanted was to smack his head to the ground.
"Do we know each other?" Was all he said without batting an eye.
"Hah! You're acting all hotshot now just because you're part of Emblem? Guild master Duram would never have given a second glance if you hadn't been part of Phantom."
"Oh, so ex-guildmates?" He acted surprised. "Sorry about that, seems like I only remember strong people from my previous guilds."
"What are you- "
"Sorry for the wait!" Avyzhia approached Nero with a bunch of boxes and paper bags in her arms. She sounded apologetic although she obviously enjoyed her little escaped. "Huh? Acquaintances of yours, Nero?" She looked at the men curiously, they don't look like a friendly bunch though.
"Wha- ! Why... why are you..." The one who was harassing Nero stammered at the sight of Avyzhia, and started backing away, looking terrified.
"Are you okay?" She gave him a concerned look. He just started to turn pale.
"I-I have to go..." Was all he said as backed away further when Avyzhia tried to approach him, and ultimately run away with his cronies after him.
"Whoah! What was that about? Who were they?"
He chuckled. "You didn't recognize them? They from our previous guild."
"Really?" Avyzhia sounded really surprised, then she tried to remember. "Umm... are they from Gamers?"
That was their first guild together. "Or was it Sphinx?"
"You really don't remember?" He asked amusedly. "They used to harass you all the time." She thought for a moment, but it seemed that she really couldn't. "Nevermind. They're just useless insects anyway." Avyzhia shook her head at his words. "So, what are those?" He gestured to Avyzhia's parcels.
"Oh, just some things for my room and some souvenirs, of course." She grinned proudly. "I rarely visit the capital, I have to splurge."
Nero raised a brow at this. "Are you feeling okay?"
Avyzhia was never to type spend on things on clothes and 'souvenirs'. He'd never been to her room, of course. But from what he could tell, up til now it barely has anything. After all she usually spend all her coins on buying new weapons or gears, or enhancing them as she see fit.
"There's something really different about you since yesterday, you know." He looked at her suspiciously.
"W-What are you talking about? I'm just the same as I've always been." She tried to laugh it off casually, but failing. Making her look more suspicious.
It's not just him, other members of the guild have also noticed how she seems to be more approachable and friendly than she used to. She wouldn't even hesitate to greet them first or strike up a conversation with them on her own.
"The goddess really did something to you, didn't she? You're perky even when around others, not to mention those..." He pointed to the boxes. "What happened to 'they're just unnecessary trinkets'? You're being really weird."
"S-Stop nitpicking on everything." She frowned at him. "I can spend my coins on whatever I want. Hmph!"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Whatever makes you happy."
"Let's just go inside already."
"So said the person who made me wait for her all day."
"What a drama queen." Avyzhia just made a face at him, to which he just returned with a grin.
"Why do you want to go on the Arena anyway? It's not really necessary."
"What are you saying? Sparing with you is not gonna be enough, I also have to fight against other classes too, especially Wizards. But everyone at the guild would be too scared of Teiran to agree to spar with me, even sir Rim is no exception, so of course going to the Arena is necessary."
"If this is about the guild war, then really it's not necessary. "
"Easy for you to say, you've been taking part ever since we joined the guild. This is gonna be my first time."
Nero just sighed heavily. "Fine. Do whatever you want. I'll look after those, so just get registered first."
"Thankies." She smiled happily as she gave him everything.
Yup. Definitely weird.
The Dragonbourn Empire has been the oldest standing empire in WoG, lead by the strongest race of all, the Dragon Kin. It's current emperor, Braxas Sirrush III, came into the throne about two decades ago after his feat of killing every last remaining member of the Demonoid Clan who were said to be the strongest race in the continent of Xyrinth, and only second to the Dragon Kin. That feat not only proved to his father that he's a leader willing to do anything to achieve power, but it also made the people of Xyrinth realize that they would always be inferior to the Dragonbourn Empire.
This action of driving the Demonoid Clan to extinction was all due to a prophecy foretold on his coronation as the crown prince.
For years after the feat, he had sent spies all-over Xyrinth continent to look for any remaining Demonoids. It had been 15 years since the last news of a Demonoid's appearance, however.
"Your Majesty, I have news from Xyrinth." The bespectacled close aide of the emperor, Fryer, said sounding urgent.
The emperor looked up from the documents he had been reading for hours and gestured for Fryer to continue.
"A Demonoid has been spotted in the capital of Epsos Kingdom."
"What?" The eyes of the emperor that were usually red, turned gold as he stood up, giving his aide all his attention. "Is it 'him'?"
He shook his head. "It appears to be a young lady, your majesty."
The emperor narrowed his eyes. "Well, she could still be related to him."
"I have already sent our men to get more information."
"No need. I'll go there myself."
"But your majes- " The emperor just glared at him. "As you wish, your majesty. I will see to it that all preparations will be done as soon as possible."
"Keep this information a secret for now."
"Yes, your majesty."