Going back to a couple of hours prior to that spicy scene… Avyzhia giggled as she saw Nero and Jeila disappear .
The Demon Blade doesn't really talk about his relationship with the High Clergy, so Avyzhia doesn't know how he's actually going to patch things up with her. But if there's one thing that Avyzhia is sure of is that by this time tomorrow, her best friend won't be in hot waters with his girlfriend anymore.
As for her, she'll ensure she is fully prepared for tomorrow's guild war. Which means, she may have lied to Nero earlier. Well, he probably already knows either way.
Avyzhia had always been a solo player. And now that she's left alone, she can finally do some daily missions and tasks. Back when these was all just a game, doing her dailies is the only thing that she can religiously do everyday. She missed it and was really looking forward to actually doing it in person.
True, all of it would probably be mundane tasks already. But despite just advancing to her 5th class, she's basically still a newbie at this point. That said, she should do a couple of gathering and delivery missions before heading back.
After she made up here mind, Avyzhia headed straight for the cemetery entrance where she saw a wizard teleport services.
She sighed in relief that it didn't take her long to find him. She was actually afraid he'd have left. Although it's fun to travel by foot, it's quite a long journey to the city she wants to go to. Even if she uses her full speed, she'd still probably get there by evening.
"Hello. Can you please teleport me?"
"Hey. Yes, of course. Where would you like to go?"
"Evergreen City, please."
"Okay, that would be 100 bronze coins." Avyzhia gave him the amount. "Thank you, please stand in front of me."
In a second, blue light engulfed Avyzhia. By now she'd been accustomed to the fuzzy feeling she gets when teleporting and was even looking forward to it. Who wouldn't? Especially when everytime it was over and she opens her eyes, she sees a world she only used to imagine before.
Just like this time when she opened her eyes and found herself standing at the portal gate of Evergreen City, the city that's said to be the most beautiful in the whole kingdom.
Everything is as she imagined them to be. Avyzhia's eyes twinkled at all the structures, not to mention the people who busily went about their day. The real thing is definitely way better.
Although the pavements, buildings and walls of Evergreen are made of stone, it's still surrounded by hundred-year old trees. Different kinds of plants and vines run throughout the whole city along side modern machineries and innovations. It's the perfect example of nature and modernization in harmony, which is exactly the theme that the developers of the game wanted to achieve when they designed it.
How nice would it be if she could stay a couple of days just exploring the city. But it'll have to wait.
Skipping as she hummed happily, she went straight to the local marketplace.
"Hi! Do you buy Dark Gems from Dark Zombies?" Avyzhia asked the first free merchant she saw.
"Yes, I do. How many do you have?"
"I have two full bags. Oh, and I have a couple bundles of of Banshee Hair Strands and Poltergeist Essences, if you're interested."
"Whoah! Yes, I am. Did you just come from the Dark Wood Cemetery?"
"I did. I was hunting with a friend."
Avyzhia carefully took out the items from under her cape and let the merchant inspect the items.
"Wow! Everything is well-preserved. Is this everything? I'm willing to buy more items from you if it's this high quality."
The Demon Blade just chuckled. This merchant is obviously still a newbie.
"I do have some items here, but I'm going to need them."
"Ah! Then if you want to sell again, please come and find me. I'll definitely give you a higher price."
"Alright." Avyzhia smiled at his enthusiasm.
Before settling in on the path of a Demon Blade, Avyzhia tried a bunch of job classes, and Merchant is one of her favorites.
"Thank you! My name is Rico Smeltheart."
"Hi, Rico. I'm Avyzhia Redbyte, but you can just call me Avy."
After concluding the transaction and buying some potions and other stuff from Rico, Avy bid goodbye to her new friend. Her next destination is the community request board. Unlike the ones from the guilds, missions posted in this board can be done repeatedly and are fairly easy. In fact, novices main source of coins are the rewards from these missions.
"Good day, adventurer. Are you insterested in taking a request?" The board manager greeted Avyzhia warmly.
"Yes, actually. And it's been a while since I did."
The manager chuckled. "Well, take your time, I'm sure whatever you get will be a breeze for you."
Avyzhia just grinned and starting flipping through the posted requests.
It didn't take her long before she finally settled with one delivery request and 2 gather requests. There were a couple for kill and hunting that should be more challenging, but she just finished hunting a bunch of undeads.
"I'll take these three please."
The manager took the papers that Avyzhia handed to confirm. All of them are requests located around Evergreen city. That way, once she's done she can just ride the Sky Ship back to Sea Prism.
"Confirmed two D class requests and one C class request for Ms. Avyzhia Redbyte. You have to finish the requests within the day. Here are to request tokens."
The Demon Blade received two wooden tokens and one bronze.
"The tokens will shine as soon as their respective requests are fulfilled. Please submit them to me after you're done to receive your compensation. Good luck and please be careful."
"Thanks. See you later."
Avyzhia wasted no time and headed staright to the city's South gate.
She'll start with gathering Esprite Flowers from the Floria Field and make her way around to the North gate. She couldn't help but get giddy and grin at the thought of doing a request like this and on her own. Everyday she's experiencing new things, things that she used to take for granted but now she felt would be one of the things she would love to do everyday.
Once she left the city and arrived at the field, Avyzhia gasped in awe. It was said that if they just know where to look, one could find all the flowers known in the continent of Xyrinth in this field. The only downside is that, it also served as a home to some poisonous insect-type monsters, that's why not everybody are willing to venture in it.
Then again, Avyzhia is not like evrybody. In fact, she's already thinking of doing a picnic there. She'll invite Teiran and Nero, of course. And maybe Rheal too, once she finally gets a freetime.
It took Avy a while before she could find the exact area where the Esprite Flowers thrive, to her surprise though she was immediately attacked by a bike of poisonous Hornet Bees as soon as she stepped into the area. Apparently, their nest fell in the area from a nearby tree and it looked like the insects blamed her for it.
Then again, as a Demon Blade, she has natural immunity against poisons, so the only thing she had to worry about are the pain from their stings, although even this can be easily countered by strengthening her skin toughness. Thus, she went about her mission without much trouble.
Before she could leave the field however, the field's miniboss suddenly appeared and started acting aggressively towards her. But since it's level and skills are all within her level, Avyzhia managed to take it down easily.
She was also put in a similar situation while doing the remaining two missions, which should have made her get suspicious. Then again, she was having too much fun to notice anything wrong and just went about her missions.
And they're just minibosses, she can handle most minibosses around her level, which include all the minibosses around Evergreen. Unfortunately, it's not the same for major boss monster of the area.
The strongest boss monster around Evergreen is called Mosserian, an elderly tree-type monster.
It rarely spawns, and if it does it has to be killed within half an hour. It's one of the boss monsters with the toughest defense too. In fact, even highly skilled adventurers are advised to run away from it if they happen to encounter it without a party. And because barely anyone had actually seen it, it was believed to only exist in legends.
For some reason, however, just as Avyzhia was about to head for the North gate after finished all her missions, the Mosserian appeared and seemed so intent on attacking her. She tried her best to avoid it's attacks and look for openings to try and flee, but it proved to be really difficult and only resulted in her getting injured.
Her poisons don't have that much effect on it, nor were her daggers and Katars. It's times like these when she wished she had brought her Flambuster short swords with her.
Just as she thought one of it's big branches was about to crush her, someone attacked it and ultimately pulling the aggro away from her.
"At the back of it's trunk, there's an opening with a red flower inside. Pull it out to weaken the monster."
The attacker, who looked like a swordsman, shouted to Avyzhia a few meters from where she was.
"Wha- !"
"I'll maintain the aggro, get on it's back now. Hurry."