It's D-day

The Xyrinth continent has 16 major caves where rare and precious stones and materials can be found and mined, all of which were under the management of the kingdom. By management, it means that it was protected and maintained by the Kingdom's official guilds in exchange for receiving 10% of its revenue as well as a free supply of the materials available in the respective caves.

The right to manage these caves, however, is not given or appointed by the king to the guilds. The guilds themselves earn it through guild wars. That is to say, if a certain guild wishes to earn the right to a specific cave, they will have to challenge the current guild in charge, and so on.

Each guild can only be in charge of one cave, and this rule extends to their affiliate guilds. A rule strictly implemented to avoid monopolizing the resources and territories by any guilds, however powerful and big they are.

While there are guilds who try their hardest to be able to secure a right for financial gains, there are also those who couldn't care less and would only challenge them if they need specific materials only found in said caves. One such guild is the Emblem, challenging the right for the Citrussyn Cave from the Blackwood guild.

Although they could care less about the revebues and fame it could bring them, the Emblem guild's only aim is the Emerald Woodgems and Golden Lime Threads that are only found in Citrussyn for a Legendary level weapon they are currently trying to complete. These materials are so rare and precious that it's very hard to acquire them through regular stores and marketplaces in the kingdom, and even if they do find one it's so expensive that a small guild like theirs can't even dream about it. 

Of course, although Emblem isn't really in the position to challenge the Blackwood, who is considered one of the top 5 guilds in the kingdom in terms of size, it's necessary. It's for that reason that even Avyzhia was asked to participate in the guild war this time despite the protests of Teiran and Nero, or at least that's what most of the members were told.


Nero was in such a good mood that he almost looked like he's humming as he made his way through his guildmates waiting for the guild portal to open, which will bring them to the designated area of the guild war.

"So you made up, huh?" Avyzhia was smirking at him knowingly as he approached the rest of his party.

"'Made up'?" Rosette perked up and asked curiously. "You mean with Jeila?"

Nero just smiled smugly. He looked so happy and proud that Avyzhia couldn't help but laugh out loud even though she tried to hide it.

"Why are you acting so proud for? Are you an idiot? I bet you just pushed yourself to her anyway."

"Heh! At least I can get it whenever, unlike some virgin herbivore." Was his nonchalant reply.

"It can't be helped, after all it's the only 'pure' thing I have left..." Avyzhia acted sad dramatically. "...though being a herbivore is the last thing I am." She smirked and gave him a meaningful look.

The two of them had a stare-off until they suddenly burst out laughing at their inside joke.

It was an 'inside joke' at least for Mertyla and Rosette who both looked really confused at the conversation. It's not the same with Dheyniz and the few others who were eavesdropping, though.

They don't know if it's a Demon Blade thing or it's just because they know each other so well, but they really are so shameless in having this kind of conversation in front of others, even as a joke.

"Stop it, guys." Dheyniz reprimanded whilst trying to hide her blush. "This is hardly a place for that talk."

"Oh no, are we making you uncomfortable?" Nero faked a surprised expression. "Don't tell me the party leader's a virgin herbivore too?"

"Why you- !" Dheyniz growled at him. "Jeila should've just dumped you for good. She deserves so much more than a despicable creep like you!"

"That's what I'm saying!" Avyzhia nodded her head eagerly.

"Heh! Dream on, I'm irresistible. Even earlier today we had morni- "

"Okay! That's enough!" Dheyniz interrupted loudly, her face beet red.

"Ohhh, so that's why you were late?" Avyzhia responded casually.

"Avyzhia, stop encouraging him!"

"Alright. Alright." She chuckled. "Well, I'm glad it turned out well." She whispered the last part to him.

Nero smiled at her genuinely this time. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have made up with Jeila this time after all.

"So, you've made preparations, right? Our party will just act as support, so we don't really have to engage with the enemy." Dheyniz explained. "If worse comes to worst, I'll tank and Nero can act as the main attacker. Just to be sure, bring as much recovery potions as you can. You good, Avyzhia?"

"Yes. Also, I brought some new poison with me. We can just escape if we have to."

"New poison?"

Nero seemed to freeze at the phrase.

"Yup. It's a new type that Ashrain completed recently. I brought him some rare plant, you see. So he promised to supply me new types of poisons now and then. I got lucky." She grinned happily.

Nero, however, was drained of all the positive feelings he had earlier, turning pale at the implications of these unexpected turn of events.

Ashrain is the youngest Alchemist of Emblem and, although he can be a bit cocky at times, their guild members often rely on him and his concoctions. 

"Why do you look like, Nero? You know how capable Ashrain is." Rosette frowned. She'd always had a soft spot for the kid. "His potions are decent."

"...I know. But that's not the problem…"

The young alchemist is usually harmless. The problem is, he's a known genius poison maker. And if he has handed Avyzhia, a poison meant for an assassin's use... it means bad news. 

Very bad news.

"You don't happen to have the antidote for them, do you?" Nero asked uneasily. 

Somehow, the reality of the situation is finally dawning on him. He shouldn't have left Avyzhia alone. Then he would have known about this and would've made preparations.

Avyzhia is now participating in a guild war after a long time and is even armed with some new poison that a psychopath alchemist concocted.

"Do you think I'm an amateur? Of course, I do." She pouted at him, showing him a couple of tubes neatly arranged in a small bag. As soon as she did, though, Nero snatched it away from her. "Wha- !'

"I'll take these. Maybe you can ask for Ashrain for more? I'm sure he'll give them to you."

"Huh? Why? There's ten tubes, we can just share."

"It's better to be safe than sorry." He looked at her, making no room for argument.

"Fine. Whatever." Avyzhia was grumbling as she turned to leave to look for Ashrain.

"Avyzhia," Nero said seriously, emphasizing the last syllable. "you can't kill anyone today. Okay?" 

After Jeila confessed earlier that she's actually sent on an infiltration mission by the guild master, he knew that there was probably a 'reason' why the master insisted that Avyzhia attend the war despite the consequences. 

"At least... not from Emblem."

Everyone was surprised at his words and just stared at him. 

Why would he even say that? Kill? Sure, Avyzhia is an assassin, but it's not like she finds pleasure in killing people, especially from her own guild, so why would he find the need to say that? 

And it's not like their guild is known for wanting actually to monopolize a Cave, nor do they have any manpower and motivation for it. So, there isn't really any reason to go extreme.

For all they know, the two guild masters have already reached an agreement to let Emblem have the rights to the Cave until they can get the needed materials, and this guild war is just for formality's sake. They already did it before, after all.

"Stupid. Why would I even do that?" She shook her head at him. "Plus, I'm only here to observe and support, remember?"

"Promise me." Nero said more seriously that it even took her aback.

"Fine. Alright. I promise. Jeez." He sighed in relief. "Then I'm off to find Ashrain. I'll be right back."

The four of them watched as Avyzhia disappeared into the crowd.

Nero then immediately divided the antidotes among the four of them, giving extra tubes to Rosette and Mertyla each.

"Drink one as soon as we arrive at the zone and keep the rest as reserve."

"Why?" Dheyniz asked, giving him a confused look.

"Are you saying that Avyzhia's going to use the poison as soon as we get there?" Rosette raised a brow at him. "Why would she?"

"The higher ups probably didn't tell you the real purpose for this party because they don't want to scare you, but you have to at least have an idea of the dangers you'll be facing."

"What are you talking about?"

"We'll be acting as a support party, not for the other parties... but for her specifically. Worst case scenario, we'll have to subdue her even. If that's even possible."

"You're starting to scare me, Nero." Mertyla said, starting to feel worried for some reason.

"As you should." Was his serious reply. Despite his antics earlier, they know that he's really serious this time. "If you want to keep your lives listen to me carefully..."