Chapter 23: Jim has Another Drink

Two days after getting lost in the tunnels beneath the city, a note was waiting for Jim when he got back to his hotel room. Jim had waited. During those two days, he didn't go back down to Madam Huldah's, though he was tempted to. He didn't dare journey back into the tunnels alone, though he had thought about that too. Instead, he waited to see if this man that the strange boy in the tunnels called Vintner would reach out to him. After two excruciating days, the waiting appeared to pay off. The note read, simply, "Meet me in the bar downstairs at 8 pm. Virgil told me what you look like. I think you already know what I look like." It wasn't signed. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon when Jim got the note. He had four hours to burn.