Chapter 6: Silent Treatment

Ella's POV

It's Monday, and I arrived at school 30 minutes before class starts.

When I arrive in the classroom, I went to my seat.


"Oh, Kim. Good morning"

"Good morning. I have a secret to say to you,"

"What is it?"

"I think I like Aden,"

"What?" I said it aloud, and all the students in the classroom turn their heads in our direction.

"Oh. I'm sorry. What? You like Aden?"

"Yes. I already like Aden during the first day of school and also during our team building activity. I felt happy when Aden saved me when I got lost in the forest,"

I was shocked and speechless.

"Can I ask you something, Ella?"

"What is it?"

"What is your relationship with Aden?"

"We are just friends. Why did you ask?"

"Nothing. Can you help me to get close to Aden?"

"Ok, but I cannot guarantee because I don't know much about Aden, even though I've known him like two years ago,"

"It's ok. Thank you, Ella,"

Aden entered the classroom, and I looked at Kim, and she is star struck. I waved my hand in front of her to end her daydream.

Kim went back to her seat, and the teacher went inside and started teaching.

I was thinking about what Kim told me, and I was not listening to what the teacher is lecturing.

"Ella? Ella? Ella!"


"Are you ok? You are not listening. Is something bothering you?"

"No, sir. I'm sorry,"

When the teacher is done teaching, he called me, and I went to him.

"What is it, sir?"

"Can you come to the faculty building after classes are over? I want you to sort out some papers alphabetically,"

"Ok, sir,"

"Ok. I will take my leave. See you later,"

Fast forward, and classes are over. I put all my things inside my bag.

"Ella. Are you going home?"

"No. I need to go to the faculty building to do an errand,"

"Oh, ok. I will go home first then,"

"Ok. See you tomorrow,"

"Ok. See you tomorrow, Aden,"

I was about to go outside the classroom and go to the faculty building.

"Ella. Are you heading home?"

"No. I need to go to the faculty building to do an errand,"

I went outside the classroom and head to the faculty building. When I got to the faculty building, I did what the teacher told me, and 30 minutes later, I finished it.

When I was near the exit of the school building, I was shocked when I saw Aden. Is he waiting for someone or me? Eh, stop imagining things, Ella. I should go and ask him.

"Why are you still here?"

"Ah, a teacher asked for my help, and I thought of waiting for you instead,"

"Oh, ok,"

"Let's go?"


Aden's POV

I was about to go home, but when I was about to exit the building, I thought of waiting for Ella. Why am I thinking about Ella? I promised myself not to get involved with her. We are friends, so it's not bad to wait for her and go home together. Anyway, I will just wait for her.

When Ella asked me, I made an excuse, which is a lie.

We are now walking home together. I looked at Ella, and she is so silent today and likes thinking deeply about something. This morning too. She is like in a daze.

"Huh? Are you saying something, Aden?"

"I said. Is something bothering your mind?"

"Uh, no,"

"Are you sure?"


I am not used to Ella like this. It's the first time that she is like this. Ella is doing the silent treatment.

When we arrive at my house, I said my goodbye, and Ella only nodded her head. I think something is bothering her mind, but I just shrug it off and went inside the house.

Narrator's POV

When Ella arrived home, she went straight to her room and started overthinking about what Kim said to her this morning.

"Kim likes Aden. What should I do? I agreed that I would help Kim to get close to Aden. Kim likes Aden, but I love him. I wanted to say no to Kim and tell her the truth, but I can't. I promised to help Kim, so I will help her even though it will hurt my feelings,"