Confusing curiosity

Janes POV:

(What just happened? She's joking right? Did she just invite me to the shower what's going on? I'll just sit on the couch until she's done.) I turned around and sat down on the couch and decided to read my book on my phone and waited until she came out of the shower. " She's so cute but what was that all about with the shower comment. I know she's just joking around but why?" "Why what? You ok Sugar I'm sorry if I took to long. Whatcha doing?" I looked up and saw her in a towel and her hair up in one aswell I'm shocked. " Ummmmmmmmm.. y-yeah I'm ok....." " Are you sure your face is really red do you have a fever?" What do I do I'm blushing great what is she doing I need to calm down. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and let it out when I opened my eyes again she was standing infront of me and said. "Your ok you don't have a fever maybe you are just to tired have you had anything to drink like gatorade or water today is something bothering you?" "I'm so confused why are you acting different, one minute you're making comments that make me blush the next your very concerned about my well being while in a towel and nothing else and now I'm at a loss for words I don't like this you make me confused on what I should do or say. Uuuugghhh!" I'm freaking out what do I do wait where's she going? " What are you doing or going?" "I'll be right back I didn't notice I was wearing nothing but a towel I'm sorry I normally walk around for a little bit in one after I'm done with a bath or shower but I'm going to change real quick."

Did I over think it a bit more than I thought, "Wait so this wasn't something intentional at all honestly?" "Well honestly no for the most part but my comment about joining me in the shower was intentional but as a joke I wanted to see your reaction and FYI it was really cute you blushed like crazy! Also consider it as payback for your little comment earlier right before we walked towards the bar." "What comment? I don't remember." I started to try and pin point which comment she ment then it started to come back and my heart started racing. "What was it again you explained to me what happened when I started getting my strength back and then you said, "Not really but I'm pretty sure you don't want me to start kissing you in public infront of everyone..." So now we're even, wouldn't you agree I still don't get why you wanted to kiss me in the first place I'm pretty sure I'm not your type even if I'd love to be don't get me wrong I fell for you years ago but you never were interested in me it seemed." "I've always been interested in you but you said you were straight back in school and then our junior year you said you didn't know if you preferred girls or boys and now as it seems you like both but I feel like that's not even right. So now I'm confused and curious even more but I don't know what to do with you." I smiled and walked to her and said, "Well that's not exactly true. I have a few ideas but I won't act on them without your permission or unless you make a move that would help us figure out where it will leed us to. What do you want to do?" I looked at her from head to toe and back to her eyes that were a very bright blue her pupils were extremely small and almost animalistic, like a wolf staring at her prey looking for a chance to pounce when the next thing I know I blink and my back is up against the wall as she kissed me. "mhmmmh...." (I love this) I put my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me to get rid of the space between us when we started getting short of breath I opened my eyes and was surprised to see that something was missing. I saw that her hair was no longer in a towel and she no longer had a towel around her body. "I'm sorry looks like I lost my towels I didn't mean to honestly I don't know how that happened but you can let go of me now so I can get some actual clothes on unless you you don't want me to. I'm sorry about the pushing you against the wall to kiss you I lost control again." Why does this keep happening? We gotta stop this everything is going to fast. "Please don't apologise for anything I'm happy with that answer but I feel we need to stop right now or we might do something else that neither of us is ready for but I'm really happy that I decided to come here." I smiled this is really interesting alot has happened but one thing is certain I'm not going to allow her to sleep on the couch.

Jades Pov:

" Agreed, so come on I need to get clothes on also did you bring a bag of clothes with you or something? If not it's ok you can borrow some of my clothes." I grabbed her hand after I picked up my towels and we started walking to my room and I smiled. When we got to the room I let go of her hand and went to the closet and got dressed I put on my tiger belly shirt and a pair of shorts as I walked out I handed her a shirt and shorts. "Here you go I don't know what type of clothes you prefer to sleep in if any but I hope you like them. I'll go set the couch up with some blankets and you can sleep in here while your visiting." I started walking out of the room but before I could get to the door she wrapped arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back I giggled and said, "Is there anything I can help you with darling?" I smiled as she shook her head and said, "Nope however you should sleep in here beside me instead of sleeping on the couch." I'm shocked I turned around in her arms and wrapped my arms around her back and said, " Ok but wouldn't you feel uncomfortable if I do?" "Not as uncomfortable as staying in a strange place and sleeping in a strange bed it would make me feel better if you slept by me." I smiled and gave her a hug as I said. "Okie dokie then it's settled but I'll be right back I gotta go get something to drink would you like anything?" she smiled and shook her head no. I walked out of the room to get my phone and two Dr peppers and by the time I returned to the bedroom Jane was walking out the bathroom in her pajamas. I handed her one of the Dr peppers and said, " I know you didn't want a drink but I figured you'd like one for later on." she smiled and said "thank you." "You're welcome let's head on to bed shall we?" I walked towards the bed and started laying down as I turned off my nightstand light. Jane layed down beside me and said, " What are we now? I came here just to see what happens and we've had an interesting day, we went on a double date I met your ex and old boss they both were weird I got hit on by the old dude and I was surprised you played along so well with the whole girlfriend thing and before that I saw your bad side and then you were really drained so we ended up slow dancing and then we returned to the table and we were greeted with an investigation. We had a heated kiss or two and now I'm in your bed. So what would you call us our relationship status I mean?" I turned over and faced her with a smirk as my heart was pounding out of my chest and said, "What do you think we are? What do you want to call us?" I propt my head on my hand as I waited for her answer. " Well we both were single and best friends earlier today but by both our actions and reactions since then I think it's not the same as before. I refuse to think I'm just another lover you brought home for fun but we're not technically just friends anymore either. So are we together now or am I just a toy to play with for you?" I sighed and climbed on top of her and said, " Ouch. You wound me how could you ever think that I would treat you as some form of twisted intertainment. First off I fell in love with you in 9th grade and I figured it would go away over the years but my feelings for you have never faded away since then and just continued growing and getting harder to avoid you stayed on my mind constantly. Secondly I've only liked 2 people before one is my ex the other person is you. Last thing I've never had sex with my ex or anything except I gave him my first kiss and he's a terrible kisser so I ended it. Trust me even though I've changed a lot but my morals have stayed pretty much the same." I smirked as I leaned forward just enough till our lips nearly were touching and said, " To answer your question you tell me what do you think Sugar?" She figited underneath me I heard her breath hitch felt her heart pounding really hard and fast but refused to move any further as I waited for her answer. "I don't know what we're doing but I have no clue what we are now that's why I asked you." She looked away and turned her head to the side and I was thinking about moving but it was like I couldn't so I put my finger under her chin and made her face me. "Hey Jane would you go on an actual date with me?" I held my breath and watched her reaction. Her eyes went wide and looked very glassy like she was seconds from crying and I softened my gaze and leaned back as I said, "Don't cry please I didn't mean to upset you I would love take you out on a date and maybe it can help the both of us decide rather we would are a couple or not. Just please don't cry if you cry then I'll cry aswell then I'll feel terrible for making you cry." As I was about to move again Jane sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me and it lasted for awhile before we both ran out of breath and I said in a huff, "So is that a yes or if not then what was that for?" She smiled and pulled me back down to the bed and said, " I'd love to so yes. Good night sweet dreams."