( That was exhausting and way to tempting I guess it was a date after all. I flipped out on my ex after I blacked out because he called her a bitch and then we swayed back and forth until my vision came back then we had a run in with my old pervert of a boss and once we returned to our table I was hit on and I nearly broke somebody's arm. Thank God we came home though however we still need to talk about why my ex acted the way he did and why in turn I lost my temper so quickly. Or why she said she was extremely tempted to kiss me.)
We made it home I stepped off the bike and held out my hand to Jane and said, "What would you like to talk about you mentioned it earlier but I still feel like I'm in some kind of trouble so we should be good nobody else is around they're either at work, asleep, or partying so nobody should hear our conversation except for us." She grabbed my hand and we started walking to the elevator and once we got in it she pulled me against the wall and said, " Why did that guy say that I was the one you left him for? Why did Alexis say that I was the one who stole your heart? Who's the girl you fell for? When did you become a bodyguard? How did you manage to lift a guy up off the ground? Why does this not seem to bother you as much as it should?" *sigh* I knew this was coming, " Please take a deep breath and calm down. I told my ex I had fallen for my Best friend and I was in deniel so I needed a distraction so I said yes to going out with the next person that had asked me out and it just happened to be him I guess he finally put it together on who it was tonight probably from talking to Alexis and Jasper at some point, Alexis knew how I felt about you way before Jasper because one time I was really sleep deprived and Jasper sent her to see if I was home because I didn't leave the house at all. Which was really concerning to him so she came up and fount me drawing in my sketchbook a lot of hearts that looked like tear drops on a drawing of a girl that had a word bubble that said {she was lonely} so she took it as me being heartbroken and said I should find a boyfriend and I told her there was no sense in toying with someone's emotions especially if my heart was already stolen by my best who was a girl. So once that was said she took my phone and looked through my photos and found a lot of our school photos you took of our group each one of them had one common factor you were in the center of the screen so she put 2 and 2 together so that's what she meant by saying what she did. As for the lifting up someone off the ground I got to angry I was irritated and upset my heart was going to fast I blacked out and when that happens most of the time it's really hard to come back out of it but you and two other friends can bring me out of it but it always leaves me completely drained with blurry vision. This doesn't bother me as much anymore because I'm used to it by now I guess." I smiled at that then the elevator dinged and I pushed back away from the wall grabbed her hand and walked to my apartment waited for her answer. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch as she seemed to be contimplating something else.
Jane's POV
(What does she mean by only 2 other people who would they be? Will I meet them sometime soon? I am her best friend or at least one of them. Why do I feel a mixture of pain and anger? Does this mean I'm the one that she has feelings for or is it just a misunderstanding?)
"So does that mean you have feelings for me? Is that the main reason you got so upset is because your over protective or something? Why me I don't get it?" "What's not to get I started having a crush on you in 9th grade then I had to move away at the end of that year then I came back in 11th grade that's when I knew there was no chance anyway because you had a boyfriend and when y'all broke up with each other you asked for advice on asking a girl out so I knew that i wasn't your type but when that didn't work out I decided that I was going to tell you about how I felt, then I was told we were going to need to find a new place to live so I decided to wait until we could hangout together again and we was able to spend the summer together after we graduated I was happy about that and then one of the Cody's started a lot of bad rumors about me sleeping with him on a daily I got angry my daddy freaked out I tried to talk to you because you always helped me calm down when I got to angry but my uncle wouldn't let me go to your place or anything without adult supervision and then when I almost got your dog back I was going to tell you later in that day but my mom told me to come back home and I didn't have a say and since then my feelings for you have stayed the same over the past 4 years I just wish I could have told you alot sooner but it didn't feel right. Besides I don't expect you to feel the same way about me but I just hope it doesn't affect our friendship in the emft....." I cut her off and kissed her I couldn't take it the more she rambled the closer I got to her and now I'm kissing her but she seems to not know what to do so I pulled back and said, "Sorry about that Immm...." she kissed me really quickly and smirked, "No need to apologise you kinda stunned me I didn't expect it I'm sorry I didn't know what to do it was unexpected but that didn't mean I wanted you to stop but I need to get ready for bed soon it's getting late where would you like to sleep in here or in the bedroom it's up to you darling." ( What why? Why'd she say that? Will she sleep in the living room if I choose the bed or will she decide to sleep in the bed aswell? What do I do?) " I don't mind where I sleep honestly how about you decide?" " Okie dokie so you'll sleep in the bed I'll take the couch."
Jade's POV
(Why does she want me to decide she is the guest here after all. Oh well I'll take the couch but anyway she needs her sleep. I should go take a shower and get ready for bed I need to exercise in the morning.) "Okie dokie I'll take the couch you can have the bed. Oh speaking of bed I'm going to get ready for bed once Im done taking a shower there's a bathroom in the bedroom and a bathroom down the hall on the right they both have a shower and a bathtub. Please make yourself at home I'm going to be out in 15 minutes and then I'll set the bed up and give you some pj's to sleep in." I started walking to the bathroom when she said, "Does it matter witch one I go to?" (Why is she asking that? What's she mean by that?) I chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter which one you want to take a shower in I'm probably going to use my bathroom in the bedroom it already has shampoo and stuff in it if you want to go on and if you'd like you can feel free to join me if you don't want to wait for the water to heat back up before you take one." I looked at her over my shoulder and smiled as I saw her mouth drop open and her face started to go red. (She's so cute when she blushes or is flustered. I honestly don't think she'll take me up on the offer but I couldn't help it. In case she does then we'll see what happens.)