First Opportunity

"This place is amazing!" Miko couldn't help but exclaim.

John nodded his head in agreement. "Agreed, it's like an entire world is located within here. We've been walking for hours but the mountains are still so far in the distance. I wonder how large this world truly is."

"I heard from my father that this world has no limits, or at least that no one has ever discovered an edge to the world. Not only that, but it changes every time." Ryan added.

"Mhm, either we're being sent to different areas of this world, or it truly changes every time it opens. Either way, whoever made this world must be absolutely incredible." John was truly in awe at whoever made this realm.

While walking in the direction Miko picked, the group had run into some beasts that seemed to live in the world. They were species that they had never seen or heard about before, and several of them attacked the group. But they were all Body Refinement or Mist Creation beasts, and were easily dispatched by the group.