Ascension of the Immortal Asura

Fantasy1,150 Chapters6.2M Views
Author: rRandom
Table of Contents

On the Yuan Continent, monstrous beasts and powerful cultivators reign supreme. Their immense power is capable of shattering mountains and emptying oceans.

On this continent lives John Fenix, an unfortunate youth who is unable to cultivate and wield such immense power. He could only look up powerlessly at others and watch as they soared to heights unseen.

One day, after a fortuitous encounter with a mysterious and dangerous object, John finds himself able to cultivate and wield this immense power. Determined to never feel powerless again, he sets out on a journey filled with danger, excitment, joy and strife.

A journey to push through his limits, rise through the ranks of the martial world, and ascend above all as the Immortal Asura.

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179 Reviews
Translation Quality
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Character Design
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Hi All, Author Here. First off to my current readers, thank you for everyone who has read and continues to read my novel. I truly appreciate it, and will continue to support this novel until its eventual conclusion. I think John's journey so far has been incredibly interesting thus far, and hopefully what I have in store in the future continues to interest all readers. After a year and a half of writing this novel, I figured I'd write another review addressing comments/complaints that are commonly brought up. To put this at the top for all to see, I personally believe that while this novel is good throughout, it really kicks off and goes from "good" to "great," or even "fantastic" at around chapter 70. The novel if free to read up to chapter 90, and if you make it that far, I believe most readers will come to love the novel by that point. Now, to address common comments/complaints for this novel: 1) John being too naive or "dumb" - This comment is mostly brought up in the beginning of the novel, and these comments typically disappear by around chapter 90 or so. One thing to remember regarding John's smarts is that he starts out as a sheltered 14 year old child. He's never really been out in the world, and as such makes wrong decisions, and sometimes even dumb ones from the readers perspective. This is done for two reasons: one is to write a realistic MC, as a child who is smart without flaws from the start is not very realistic. The second reason is to show growth of the character in a way that the reader connects with. With the many decisions John makes that is seen as "dumb" or "stupid," he learns from those decisions and does not make them again. I would say by around chapter 90, John is almost a different character due to his personal and mental growth, and he continues to grow smarter as the novel progresses. 2) John not being ruthless enough or too nice: This comment is also brought up early on as well. John does make some naive decisions again, many that are too nice. But yet again, he learns from those decisions (ie. the village arc) that fuels his growth to becoming more ruthless, as well as colder to those not directly associated with him. Once again, the plot points make his ruthless personality shift believable, and by the current point in the novel, John is incredibly ruthless to his enemies, even to the point that others are shocked by his actions. He will continue to get more ruthless as the novel progresses, on his way to becoming "Asura" Those are the two main complaints early on in the novel, which tend to vanish as readers progress through the story, while John develops into the MC that readers of this genre like (Smart, ruthless, strong). I hope this update is useful for any new readers thinking of picking up this novel. Thanks for reading and supporting the novel. -rRandom

2 years ago

Perfect novel I don't need to add nothing more [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

3 years ago

Off to an amazing start. Very excited to see where this goes. The action bits are well thought out and detailed. The story progresses quickly without leaving the reader behind. Additionally, the world building so far is pretty good, I've got a good understanding of the world so far. Characters are very likeable and relatable. Again, very excited to see where this goes! Keep up the good work author.

4 years ago

probably the only original worth reading. i am pretty surprised you're not ranked higher. writing is good. story is good. world is good. characters are okay. updates are also okay. this is better than that vampire novel on top. i hope your story continues.

3 years ago

I have to say that I was really surprised of this novel. Even though the MC has few OP stuff going on, He still works for his own power and is getting stronger little by little. Not like many other original novels here where MC gets OP in couple chapters and after that he is the strongest in the world. The way the world building is happening is really great. I have to say that this is so far the best novel I have read for couple years.

3 years ago

Hi All, Author here. Thank you for taking the time to read and review this novel. I plan on supporting this novel to completion, and I hope you enjoy reading this novel as much as I am having writing it. Thanks, On a side note, shout out to my friend Miko for editing this novel and adding awesome ideas.

4 years ago

This is honestly such a great book. The author has absolutely phenomenal world development and story development, along with nuanced and interesting characters. The idea of the "Cultivation System" is also quite unique, and definitely well thought out. The author consistently updates the novel at a steady pace, which I really appreciate. I also appreciate the fact that the author has chosen to keep the novel free so far, as I am below 18 and thus have no money. Thank you so much rRandom :)

3 years ago

3 years ago

Great novel! The writing quality is superb and I personally saw no grammar mistakes. Other than that the main concept and cheat of the book is intriguing and I can't wait for more, same is said for the world background! Now, onto the negatives, the only thing which I dislike about the book so far is that is very slow-paced, of course I have only read up to chapter 90 so who knows, maybe the author is taking things slowly to really flesh out the world and characters before he speeds up a bit. But, as far as chapter 90 the novel progressed slower than to my liking. this is a key point though, this negative aspect of the novel I have described is only to my taste, as I personally don't like slow-paced novels so much. otherwise, great novel, keep on writing!

3 years ago

literally the best novel i've read so far, i can't explain how i feel reading this novel, but i can say that its the first one that made me bought the privilege chapters... pls keep it up with your amazing work author, and dont ever drop this story, not until u finisht it. <3

2 years ago

R.I.P Author , heartfelt condolence to the family and friends❤️

2 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

a year ago

Well there are a couple things i like and dislike staring with the things i like, The fact theres no face slapping over and that he actually seems like a real character what i mean by this is he actually doesn't act like its a plague to have a follower or the fact he makes to many lies to cover the truth about his cultivation i mean if he were to lie to his own father then i would have to dip.Last this is i like the fact there are 2 other people that have as much potential as he does (Meaning the guy with the OP soul and the mage guy, and when i say they have a lot of potential its because they not only have good talent but also got inheritiances) over and there are many others such as the rewards he has and the cultivation path he has to take, the only thing i say i cant come to like is the fact his personality isn't getting cold enough even tho his cultivation and demon art but thats not a big problem since it is being shown that he has become a battle maniac

3 years ago

sorry author, I think that it's time for me to read illegally 😮‍💨. such a good novel but webnovel be scamming me

a year ago

Review till chapter 203 Story is fine. Mc is fine. Story progresses fine. The problem with this novel is actually not the story itself but the cultivation. In this world you can either cultivate body or qi essence. The mc is unique and have 2 dantians, which makes him capable of cultivating both. The problem is that we often se mc fighting those at one minor realm over himself.(like early vs middle of a major realm) Till chapter 203, everytime that have happened mc has a really tight battle and the explains how great this is. The problem I have with this is that in almost every novel, the mc surprises everyone with his skill, and manages to defeat those at higher realms while being at a lower cultivation level. In this world supposedly body cultivating is a path which is as attractive as cultivating qi. Now we come to the roots of the problem. For example in chapter 200 we have a fight where opponent is a minor realm above his qi and body cultivation. MC has better qi skills, domain and so on. Still he only manages to win slightly. And then author talks of how he is genius to do this. To be honest, I feel like is a wastly underwhelming. I must say that it doesnt feel like he has a double cultivation at all. In none of the fights. Why bother going about this double dantian if it isnt gonna matter in fights. Why talk so much about body cultivations techniqiue if it doesnt seem like it helps. Authoer should read the book Walker of the worlds to see how it realisticially should have been. It is just annoying to read tbh, and makes the reading less realistic, and I wonder how it is gonna be when mc is gonna meet body cultivators later, when we see how underwhelming it has been till now.

2 years ago