Explanation of Events

"What is going on here?" a voice boomed out from behind John. He turned around towards the voice, which was one of the many Elders present.

The Elder was a man who appeared to be in his fifties, with graying hair and a thin beard. He was rather frail looking, but it was easy to tell that he was quite powerful. While John was unable to identify what cultivation he was exactly due to the nature of one being in the Dao Transformation Realm or above, he could tell the man was quite powerful.

"Young man, explain what is going on here!" another Elder chimed in, equally perplexed at the situation, and also slightly disgruntled that a youth had dared to make such a scene before them without explaining his actions. They had wanted to ask about what exactly had happened in the realm to cause such a disastrous loss of life, and yet before they could, John had already caused a scene.