Yang Phoenix Sect Ceremony

As time moved on, the story of the Yang-Sovereign's betrayal and John's last stand spread to every single corner of the world, with almost every soul coming to learn of the truth. For the Beasts and Devils, many thought the story to be made up, at least when it came to John's impossible power and defiant last stand.

Many considered it to be propaganda from the humans, who were trying to shine the spotlight on a heavenly genius instead of the treacherous Yang-Sovereign. In times of defeat and suffering, having a hero to look up to was a motivation beyond comparison, or at least many of these beasts and devils thought. 

For the humans, John's legendary battle turned into something mythical almost immediately. Overnight he turned into a figure more akin to a god than a human, something that the youths of the continent worshiped, and the older cultivators looked to as the new hope of the race, a future powerhouse capable of weathering all storms and obstacles.