Caz's Dao of Business

"What was that all about?" John asked Caz as they strode through the halls of the auction house, which buzzed with boisterous activity from the thousands of other cultivators that strode by each minute.

As they entered, John couldn't help but become even more impressed by the auction house, as its quality was somehow even higher than the majestic city outside.

It was as if this auction house was the center of all wealth in the world, and that no expense was spared to make it. The floors, walls, statues, fountains, paintings, and everything in between was of the highest quality, making it feel like a palace for a heavenly king.

"Its…its nothing," Caz replied, his face red and flustered from his encounter with Xander.

"It's obviously not nothing," John replied, "how is one person able to get you so worked up?"