Lightning Attunement

John listened closely to the lecture which lasted for several hours, and learned many new things regarding lightning. By the end of the first class, he felt as though his lightning knowledge had increased several times, and this was just the first class of many he would take during his time as a disciple of the Sect.

"I will see you all here next week at the same time," Elder Hale said to the class before leaving.

"Wow, that was a lot of information, but incredibly helpful," John said to Adam as he stretched his sore legs.

Adam nodded his head in agreement. "I'm particularly interested in learning about lightning formations, and Elder Hale mentioned there is a class specifically for that. I'll need to sign up for that today."

John nodded his head at Adam's words. Adam was a formations expert first and foremost, and needed to increase his knowledge and power in that field the most.