History of the Guild

The tunnel led to a high ledge, miles above the ground. Greatcrest City was built atop a flat mountaintop miles high, and the secret tunnel's entrance was carved into the cliffside halfway up the mountainside, at which point it zig-zagged up to the city above.

John glanced out into the darkness of the night, which was illuminated by the glowing moon high above. He took in a beautiful landscape of forests, mountains and rivers illuminated by the silver glow of the moon.

"Follow me," Zuri said, stepping off the ledge. 

John followed, stepping off and plummeting to the ground below. Zuri used her Qi to stall her fall and land softly just before hitting the ground, and John did the same. They landed without making noise, at which point Zuri rushed forward, her body turning into a black mass of dark shadows. Clearly, she did not want to be detected.