Ancient Temple

"So, what do we do now?" Miko asked Lily who was clearly the leader of the Honorable Alliance group. "Do we just go hunting for the enemy, or do you have something in mind?"

Miko's voice was full of eager excitement, as if the brutal war was of no concern to him. Clearly he was confident in his power, and Lily could see why that was. Some of the nearby Honorable Alliance youths stared at the Faeries with gazes of passion, clearly entranced by their beauty. The Faeries ignored such gazes with practiced indifference, clearly used to being gawked at by men.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Lily's face as she thought of what to do next, and a determined look appeared shortly after.

"There is one thing we can do," Lily said, attracting both Miko's and the Faeries attention. "It was initially impossible for us to make it there without being ambushed and killed, but with you joining us, we might be strong enough to get there."