Incredible Gains

The discussion he had with his returned to his mind, when they had discussed Dao stages. 

"According to master, the Dao Expert stage is when one comprehends roughly twenty percent of the Dao," John mused as he inspected his gains. 

The Daos were the laws of the Heavens, and comprehending the Daos was a way to utilize that law. The Dao of power was a high level Dao, as it was far more abstract than the elements or similar Daos. 

The Dao of power was obscure and intangible, but was also present within everything in existence. By learning more about the Dao of power, John was able to tap into that law to augment nearly everything to a higher level. 

"My body, battle arts, even my weapons themselves…everything I use can be augmented by the Dao of power to become more potent…more powerful. It's all encompassing, and therefore incredibly useful for combat specifically," he mused.