Shocking Change To The Jade Dragon List

The bald youth led John and the group to a corner of the room, in which many comfortable looking sofas had been placed in a circle, with a table placed in the middle.

"Tea?" the youth asked as he sat down, which John and the rest politely declined. 

"Then how may I help you?" the youth asked.

"I'd like to get some information first," John replied as he too sat down, followed by the others. 

"What information would you like to know?" the youth asked.

"I'd like to know everything you know about this realm," John replied, getting straight to the point. "I see the map has revealed the land quite far into this realm. I'd like to know about that, what's required to move forward, and anything else of importance."

"That's quite valuable information you're asking for," the youth replied, the warm smile remaining on his face. "What are you prepared to give in exchange?"