Answering Questions

John raised an eyebrow, surprised to hear this verbal trial, one that could potentially be his doom, asked open ended questions like this. He had expected the questions to be questions with only one correct answer, but this question was an opinion based one.

'Maybe the test is to see if you are compatible with becoming an assassin,' John thought, then frowned. 'Even if I figure out the correct answers, this chair's formation Qi has already fully invaded my body. I'm not sure what it looks for, but the figure before me was quite certain that it would detect truths and lies with absolute certainty, and that lying is akin to failure. If that's the case, then I can only answer truthfully, and hope it's acceptable. If not, and I fail…well then, it seems like I'll be fighting my way out of here.'

"Power," John answered without hesitation after making up his mind.