Catching Up

His words caused Leah to hold her words, as she truly was going to ask for their forgiveness. 

John shook his head at seeing this. 

'She's far too kind for cultivation. She'll either need to toughen up, or resign herself to such fates all her life.'

His eyes once again locked on the three meek youths before him. While he wanted nothing more than to kill them now and rid his sect of such vermin, he knew he didn't have the authority to do so. Only the Enforcement Hall or the Sect Leader and Vice Sect Leader could make such a decision. 

However, he could take other measures.

"Grovel before Leah and Elliot and ask for their forgiveness," John suddenly commanded.

The three youths each grimaced with unwillingness as they heard this command, but once glance at John's cold eyes stopped them from protesting. The lead boy grit his teeth and hesitated for a moment before dropping to his knees before Leah and Elliot.