No Path To Victory

Helaranth looked at his weapon at his feet, then back to John, eyes still wide. That weapon took much of his strength to wield, and yet his opponent had tossed it over to him like its weight of six hundred thousand pounds was a trifling matter.

He picked it up a moment later, the weight manageable since his Roaring Heart Body Art was still active. His body surged with incredible power at the moment, which usually made him feel invincible when using its true might. At the moment, he felt only disbelief, and would have felt fear had this been a real battle to the death.

"Good," John nodded, then burst alight with lightning.

Helaranths eyes went wide as John appeared before him like a ghost. John hadn't used any fancy movement arts, and instead just used his physical power to speed towards his opponent. The arena trembled and a loud thunderclap followed after as John punched forward with all his might.