Leaving The Thunder Realm

On the patio next to the crystalline lake, the frazzled-hair old man continued to lounge about while being fed fruit by beautiful women. His relaxed and content expression suddenly changed slightly as he sat upright and focused for a moment.

The beautiful women next to him vanished into thin air, as they were revealed to be merely constructs of a formation.

"Hmm, those brats have finally been expelled from the realm? Good, good," the man mused out loud while smiling slightly. "I can finally get back to peaceful relaxation without worrying about those brats breaking anything."

A deep sigh escaped that mans mouth a moment after as a different sounding voice spoke up.

"Sigh, yet another wasted year of not finding an heir," the voice grumbled. "Are you happy with yourself? Lounging lazily about instead while our legacies fade away into dust?"