Cave Treasures

John and Adam stared at the cave opening for a short while. They both sent their divine senses down into the cave, but the cave was longer than their senses could reach.

"What do you think is down there?" Adam asked curiously, completely forgetting the fact that John had just dragged him for dozens of miles.

"I'm not sure. Our divine senses revealed nothing. We're here to explore these lands, so let's head inside," John mumbled as he began to walk forward.

Adam nodded his head and followed behind, although he could tell that John appeared to be distracted by something. However, he didn't ask about it.

As they were walking towards the mouth of the cave, John's mind was elsewhere, as he had observed something concerning.

'I only fully noticed it now, but ever since I decided to run from Hunter, something has been nagging me, as if something was wrong, and I think I know why now.'