Warrior Coliseum

The main street was lined with small houses and market buildings, as if this used to be a town mortals lived in. 

However, the markets had been long abandoned, while the small houses served as temporary shelter for the disciples that entered the town. Disciples from other sects were exploring the town, while others were making their way towards its center.

In the very center of the town was the massive coliseum, which stood on a raised patch of land. The coliseum itself was larger than the rest of the town combined, which encircled it on the outside. 

The group eventually came to a pathway that meandered up to the elevated coliseum, while three other pathways came into view as well, each branching to the side of the raised coliseum. At the end of each pathway were intricate pagodas, five stories tall. The pathway entrances were all lined with small arches no more than a dozen feet tall and wide, each marked with a different symbol.