Thunderzen glanced over his shoulder again, inspecting the Honorable Alliance leader's condition. The man looked even worse than when he had checked minutes ago, now appearing like a skeleton with a layer of skin draped over the bones. The aura coming from the Alliance leader was still potent and profound, but small signs of wavering were appearing, like wind causing a fire to flicker before reappearing.
Raijen and the Asura continued to exchange a flurry of blows, Raijen focusing only on defense and preventing the Asura's forward movement towards the ship. Distant blasts of lightning, fiery explosions, and astral energy illuminated the storm as the other battle continued to rage on.
Thunderzen glanced at the Asura, who had a wide, malicious smile on its face the entire battle. It had been agitated several times as its plans had been thwarted, but otherwise was no doubt enjoying the battle, almost as if it was just a game to him.