Tests Completed, Score Obtained

John stepped out of the testing formation, shaking his head several times to clear the mental fog still enveloping him. As he stepped out, he spotted Zuri and Naelia standing to the side, Naelia waving excitedly at him.

The Elder in charge of the formation gave John an odd look, as if something was amiss. 

"Why did you wait inside the formation after the test was complete?" the Elder asked him, slightly disgruntled.

"I didn't," John replied flatly, face scrunching with confusion at this accusation.

The Elder gave him a pointed look, then ignored him. He blinked a few times in confusion, then walked towards Naelia and Zuri. As he left, the Elder in charge of the testing formation instructed the next youth to enter, who did so.

"And make sure to leave the formation as soon as your test is complete," he heard the Elder say to the youth, clearly raising his voice so that John heard him say that.