Revealing The Origin Essence Runes

Araxus' arrival stirred the crowd into another frenzy, especially the Yang-Dao Sect supporters. While Jaxus was ranked number two and Araxus number three, the two had spent their entire lives as the two top geniuses of the sect, constantly swapping places. 

The two were almost exactly equal in strength and talent, and so there was still hope that a Yang-Dao Sect member made the grand finals.

John grinned at Araxus', as his boisterous arrival had dampened the Sword-Saint's momentum even more. The two acted as if the Sword-Saint, who was still standing nearby, didn't even exist. This tournament was for them, and they were the next two to fight. The Sword-Saint had used this opportunity to boast about Ji'Han's engagement, but that had been completely overshadowed by the two of them.