Impossible Trial

John looked all around him, taking in the dark forest that surrounded him completely. Only a small amount of light came down from the fake moon above, enough to give light, but not enough to make navigating by sight a safe endeavor. 

His instincts flared with warning in this place, telling him that there was a danger that even he needed to take seriously within. 

"Survive!" the monotone voice sounded out, giving him instructions for this next trial.

'Survive? Not assassinate? It seems like this trial is different than before.'

After surveying the area, John moved carefully through the forest, withdrawing his aura as best he could, making no noise as he moved. He thought about using his spatial Dao to move about, but using it gave off more of an aura than he did moving physically without using any Qi. He had no idea what he had to do to 'survive,' and so he decided to see if he could make his way out of this forest.