Chapter 9: Forever Mateless

“Do we have all we need,” Conrad questions as they all stand outside the cottage.

Eliana is carrying a bag on her back. She is not used to doing such things, as Selma normally would be the one carrying any such bags.

“If I were to explain that I do not carry even my own belongings, they will become suspicious,” she states to herself. Eliana glances over to Jasper who cringes as he hikes his bag higher up on his shoulders. The urge to move to his side itches and tugs on her muscles. Her legs wobble as she almost takes a step.

Blinking away the strange thoughts and pushing down the urge, the Princess shifts her gaze away. She knows that Jasper is still in pain, but he is acting tough and pretending that he is fine.

As she watches him, Eliana wonders in her mind, “I am not sure why he wishes to leave so quickly. By doing so, he is speeding up the time in which he will be expected to marry. I know that if we do not leave, that those rogue bears will return, and with reinforcements, but he is not even completely healed yet.”

Eliana swallows the lump forming in her throat and she stares at the ground as Beatrice double checks everyone’s packs. Jasper will be married off, whether he chooses his mate or not. His situation is much like hers, although her own is more of a political marriage.

“They are Xefol, why do I care what they do? Their culture is their own. I should not even be trusting them,” she tries to convince herself in her mind. Eliana glances up at Conrad who has several cuts lining his temple and jaw. Although she has grown up distrusting anyone from the Pivurlion race, these werebears decided to protect her from their own kind. They did so out of the kindness of their own heart. Could it be true that not all were creatures are bad?

Conrad clears his throat and pivots around, “Alright, let us head out.”

Eliana steps forward and tries to bite back the protests from her ankle. She used some old fabric from her dress in order to wrap her ankle and try to support it. Hiding it under her slacks, she hopes that Beatrice and Conrad do not notice.

Composing herself, Eliana looks up only to find Jasper glowering at her. At the realization, heat enflames her face and she averts her gaze.

“Do not push yourself,” his voice, even in a whisper, is almost unbearable for Eliana’s heart.

Hardening her resolve, she glances back up at him. “I could say the same for you.”

His eyes widen ever so slightly before a smirk tugs at his lips.

As they exit the meadow, they fall slightly behind, mainly having to do with Eliana’s ankle. She lowers her voice, “I am sorry.”

When Jasper frowns and cocks his head to the side, she clarifies.

“I am sorry that they are forcing you to find a mate.”

Jasper’s expression tightens and a shadow casts over his features. His jaw clenches as he looks away. “It is our culture.”

Eliana’s heart twists at he shuts down. Has he truly given in?

“You do not care anymore about your true mate that is out there?” She knows that Jasper has argued the same point with his parents already.

“I do not want a mate to begin with. The whole idea that there is someone out there that was born to be with me, that they have no free will to choose their own partner, is stifling. We should be able to choose who we love and who we mate. If I do have a mate out there,” Jasper locks gazes with Eliana, his pupils dilating, “They will be happier without me.”

There is a break in his resolve though, a softness that splashes across his features, and Eliana only notices it when her own pang of grief explodes in her mind and chest. She looks away from him before she allows her sorrow to overflow. How hurt he must be, if he pushes all away, even any potential soul bond.

“Why am I so sad? Maybe it is because he is another person that is unable to choose his destiny. He must accept his future and hope that he can make the best if it. I feel sorrow for his soulmate, whoever she may be. That is the only reason I feel this way,” she tries to convince herself in her mind. Blinking through her pain, Eliana continues to follow Beatrice and Conrad as they almost rush through the forest, their movements quick and efficient.

The small group moves almost soundlessly through the woods. Eliana, although unfamiliar with the territory or such a place, is able to maneuver agilely around bushes and trees, even with her ankle screaming in pain. Her heart soars as she watches her surroundings. Now that she is not running for her life, she is able to savor the beauty if the forest. In Zaline, they only have patches of trees, no where close to being able to consider them a forest.

Now, most of them have died, the land barren.

“I overheard your conversation with my mother,” Jasper sighs. He falls behind his parents in order to walk side-by-side with Eliana. “I know where you are from.”

Eliana gasps, her heart jumping into her throat.

“Have you ever met the royal family,” he almost mutters.

Vision blurring around the edges, Eliana takes a quivering breath in. “Why such an interest?”

Jasper clicks his tongue and looks away, “Avoiding the question. I know they are your rulers, but they are spiteful and cruel.”

The Princess holds back any comment. Irritation builds in her stomach as excruciating flames. He is disrespecting her father. She did not care of his thoughts about herself.

“The King decided one day, due to one incident where a were creature was involved in, that he would exile all of us. My family was forced from our home, a beautiful house near the Ocean, and thrown over the border with swords at our throats.” His nose crinkles with a snarl. “My parents have not done any wrong, and yet they have been punished. Now all humans are terrified of us. Just as you were when you met us.” He softly glances down at her, a slight sorrowful tilt in his brow.

“I am sorry for what has befallen you and your family. I cannot fathom the fear and anger you must feel for the Drein royal family.” Eliana swallows her own anguish at their fates. “I cannot completely agree that I do not still fear you, but I have come to realize that if you would want to harm me, you would have done so already.”

Jasper’s expression falls quickly, shock and betrayal darkening his features. “So you do not completely trust us?”

Eliana fights the urge to reach out to him. “Do not think of it as such. I trust you will protect me, but please understand that I have lived much of my life in war. I have come to be wary of any strangers, even if their intentions are out of kindness. Everyone changes their mind at one point.”

“I will not. You may not like Xefol, but I will still get you home safely.”

Eliana tries to hide the quiver in her body. “Even if you are forced to mate and settle down? Your bride may night be as understanding.”

Jasper glances away his head lowering. He grumbles, his hands curving into fists.

“I am sorry. I know how difficult it is.” The Princess sighs, her heart twisting. Jasper will be mated soon. “My father is dictating who I marry, or at least he was, until I was forced to escape the rogue bears.”

“I am sorry you are being forced into this situation.” Jasper nears Eliana but stops before their shoulders brush.

Eliana tries to force down her embarrassment, but the scent he always exudes, almost overwhelms her.

“We will camp here for the night,” Conrad explains as he enters a small clearing in the forest. “We still have a long journey ahead of us and we should preserve our strength.”

Jasper quickly leaves Eliana’s side before setting down his bag, wincing as his shoulder shifts. Eliana falls against a nearby tree, finally allowing herself to let the pain of her ankle in. She bites back a sob from the pulsing flames. She wonders if they would make it Viptan safely, and from there, back to Drein.

She speculates what drastic measures Climont will make in order to find her, and what they will do once they have accomplished that.