Chapter 40: Goodbye Olisnia

“Jasper, are you sure it was such a good idea to leave her,” Evyn grumbles for the hundredth time. As they trudge across Drein, he glances back every so often.

Jasper tries not to roll his eyes, “If you’re so worried about your mate, then you should have stayed with them.”

“T-that’s not why,” he blunders through his words, a blush skyrocketing through his features.

“You have been wanting to leave them for a while now, but all of a sudden, now you care? Stick to one reaction and one decision. Stop going back and forth.”

“It’s just that we left them completely alone. I said that we should leave them when Eliana, the Princess, was with the Climont soldiers. She was safe with them.” Evyn is trying to explain as he matches Jasper’s pace.

Jasper shrugs, “She has the Drulian. She is safe.”

His friend sighs, “I am not so sure just one Drulian will be strong enough against several Xefol if they are attacked again.”