Chapter 152

This is the best idea you came up with Joshua, this place is beautiful says angelic, she now notices something outside through the window, hey Joshua look there is something in the woods, Joshua now looks out by he window and notices a small girl running outside the gate, he now steps out as he watches the girl wonders around, she is thirteen years old roughly, hey are you ok says Joshua there is no one else out here, the girl is dirty hair is greasy as she looks over at him, and.does not say anything, Joshua notices movements in the woods as he tells the come inside she looks afraid to come in as Joshua now steps closer and notices it is a bear walking to her, Angie come here please yes she says coming forwards, and see the girl he then points out to the bear are we able to scare that thing off without killing it, Angelic looks around and see nothing I will have to get he girl inside her, I tried says Joshua she won't come in.