Chapter 153

What was that? I do not know but whoever she is has this strong power, I am becoming weaker says Joshua, Angelic looks at him and says I will be by your side to protect you like you protected me, I wonder why is it that I no longer have the stregnth to fight things like these back and where does that power come from you had Angelic? I do not know, look at your finger it has a glow to the fingertip which finger? The one with the ring on, she now looks at it thats strange she goes to a ornamaent and touches it as it shoots across the room, it os that ring, she now tries removing it, it cant come off, wait the book read visible through the eyes of the beholder your placement show me in sunlight and I shall reveal the truth, this is really twisted but that book is our clue into what we dealing with we need sunlight to expose the invisible text, Am I sober says Joshua, cause I have no idea what you just told me, you will see in the morning.