4. Welcome to the family, son

"You certainly did something to him." The king smirked and stood up from his chair. "Are you sure you don't have any powers?"


"Uh, yeah!" You scratched you neck anxiously.

"Really?" The king approached you and you started to take some steps backwards.

"I'm positive I don't have any powers at all..." You nodded and took another step back.

"Alright. Hey, 5th king, do what you must." The king smirked and walked back to his throne.

The so caled '5th king' stood up and looked at you in they eyes. Yo were sure his eyes glowed red for a moment and you were really confused. Suddenly you felt really dizzy. "What... is going on..?" You were able to say before you blacked out.

"Now, sleep."


"...mmhhm..." You mumbled as you opened one of your eyes. You were not in the hall you just were in. It was a different room now, much smaller in fact. You were sleeping in a big bed and had no idea who it belonged to. Your thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door. "Yes?"

"Can I come in?" a voice asked.

"Y- yeah." You mumbled and sat up.

When the door opened, it revealed one of the kings. He smiled at you and entered the room. You felt weird because just a few hours ago you were very scared of the kings. They were nothing but monsters in front of everyone's eyes, and yours of course. You didn't know them though. What if some of them were kind and caring like your brother?

"Are you alright? Did you wait for long?" The king asked with worry in his voice, which surprised you a little.

"Uh, no. I just woke up." You answered honestly. The king nodded and smiled again.

"Oh, and Jungkook-ah, you don't need to be so formal around us anymore. We're living in the same palace after all." He reassured, which made you a little more relaxed not going to lie. He seemed like a nice person and someone you could trust. "You can call me Jin. My full name is Kim Seokjin, if you ever need that information, but you can just call me Jin." He explained.

"Well, Jin... um, where are the others and where am I right now?" You started blabbering as soon as you had the chance.

"Woah, woah, calm down. You're still in the castle and this is the guest bedroom. Your bedroom isn't ready yet." Jin tried to calm you down because of your blabbering. You were just very anxious. One of the reasons was that you just left your little brother, Youngsoo all alone in the claws of your parents. You had no idea how to save him from them or what to do now that you were selected as one of the kings. The fact that Youngsoo might not be... in this world anymore, it scared you and scarred you.

You were thingking about it too much, thus it made you cry. You were really hurt inside. You didn't want your little brother to feel all the same awful things as you did. You didn't want him to fall depressed and think about suicide too. You didn't want that.

"Hey, what's wrong Jungkook-ah?" Jin cupped your face in his hands.

"I- my little brother... I left him with my parents..." You whined.

"What's so wrong about tha-" Jin got disturbed by a knock.

"Jin, it's the sixth king..." A man entered the room.

"Again?" Jin sighed. "Can't he give up?"

"Apparently not." The man said and left the room.

"Sorry Jungkook, I have to leave." Jin said and let go of your face.

"I- it's okay," You smiled at Jin as he was leaving the room and leaving you alone. "Bye Jin."

"Bye Jungkook," Jin waved and left the room.

When both of the kings were out of the room, yuou could finally let out the breath your were holding for so long. Even though Jin seemed to be someone you could trust, the others weren't. You didn't know the others yet. And who knows, maybe they are monsters and are just manipulating you to believe they aren't.

All of these annoying thoughts kept your mind busy and made you sleepy. You knew it wasn't smart to fall asleep in someones bed, so you stood up and left the room. Once you were out of the room, your chin hit the floor. The castle was beautiful. The marble floors and the beautiful golden wallpaper that surrounded all the walls. The high-up ceiling that was decorated with beautiful chandeliers. All the statues of important people and even the long red curtains that were hanging in front of the big windows. All of them were amazing to you. It was breathtaking actually.

You had never been to such a place and you never thought you would. Never in your wildest dreams did you except to be accepted as one of the kings. It still felt like a dream to you. All of this felt like it was's real. Maybe all of this is just a weird dream and you would wake up to reality. Normal life with your parents and your... work.

You were sure of one thing though. You just quit your job and applied for another one and it was being one of the kings. You were relieved you didn't have to meet all those middle-aged men and do such disgusting things with them. They were there only for pleasure and which they didn't get from their wives and girlfriends. It was disgusting.

"Why are you daydreaming in the midde of the hallway, peasant?" You heard a low voice behind you, so you turned to look at the source of the voice. Once you realized who it was, your back straightened immediately and you bowed unconsciously. "Seriously, where are your manners?" The black haired man looked at you with disgust before leaving you alone again.

"What's with him?" You mumbled and continued to explore the endless castle all by yourself.

You spent the rest of the day exploring the castle and speaking with Jin. You actually learned a little about the other kings and their names. Jin was pretty fond of a king named Namjoon. He actually confessed that he kinda liked him. Namjoon was kind of like the leader of the group and did all the brainy stuff the others didn't know how to do. He was also a good friend to everyone.

Another one was named Jimin and he was the one who was always clinging to the 6th king. And yes you didn't know the 6th king's or the 3rd king's names, which was a bit weird. Jin didn't seem to be that bothered about it, maybe because he has lived with them for so long. He had a nickname for him though, which was Hobi. At least that was what the 2nd king, Yoongi, called him. Jin thinks that Yoongi might know Hobi's real name, since they're always together. He just didn't want to disturb their beautiful moments together, so he let them be.

As you were exploring the rest of the room, you saw a big wooden door with a window in the middle. You peeked at the window and saw a beautiful garden in the yard. You had to get there. It looked magical.

You opened the door and breathed in the outside air. It smelled like flowers and all different kinds of plants that were growing in the garden.

There was a small path going into the garden, so you proudly followed it there. The garden was actually quite big and you didn't expect it to be that beautiful. Well, you were wrong. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The flowers were beautiful and you even saw some flowers you had never seen before.

"What are you doing in my garden?" A voice suddenly asked.