5. Why do you have to do this?

"What are you doing in my garden?" A voice suddenly asked.


"W- what?" You gasped, as you saw the 6th king behind you with an annoyed expression. He was definitely mad again.

"I asked you a clear question. What are you doing in my garden, peasant?!" The 6th king almost yelled, which made you shiver to your very core. He reminded of your father, which was not a good thing, since you wanted to have a good relationship with every king.

"I was just... exploring and I saw this beautiful garden outside and-" Your words didn't come out anymore, because the 6th king was now right in front of you, staring at your innocent little doe eyes.

"I don't care about the reason." He said coldly and pinned you to a wall. "I have no idea why I despise you so much. I have no friendly feelings torwards your poor ass." He continued and glared at you with a blank expression.

"Then why did you let me be the 7th king?" You suddenly asked.

That was a mistake. He definitely didn't like your question since his eyebrows flinched a little. His expression turned into a cold-blooded one and it looked like he could kill you right there.

"Watch your words, 7th king." He lowered his voice down.

For some reason you decided to be brave and continue your blabbering. It was not a good idea thought. You could be killed by him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" You mumbled quietly.

"I said shut up!" The 6th king yelled and slapped you. It stang a lot and he seemed to use his powers. The red spot on your cheek was glowing red after the 6th king released his hand. The pain was huge.

Your eyes started watering and you felt your legs getting wobbly. You hated this, because it reminded you a lot of your father who used to abuse you. The 6th king was a little surprised when he saw a tear rolling down your cheek, but he didn't seem to care.

"W- why did you d- do that? Why did I deserve that?" You cried as you held the hurt spot with your palm.

"You talked again..." The king said with his still lowered voice. "Do you have a death wish?!" He yelled again.

"I-" Your legs gave out and you fell on the ground. "I- I didn't c- come here to be a- abused again..." You quietly cried.

"Could you say that again?" The 6th king said. His voice was back to it's normal state and it seemed like his expression had changed completely. "And what do you mean by 'again'?" He almost mumbled.

"W- what?" You sniffled. You were taken aback by the 6th king's words. He seemed to have calmed down and he was not the same cold-hearted person he was just a moment ago. "I'd rather not... talk about it..." you continued your mumbling.

"Hey, what happened?" He was now speaking with a sweet voice almost. It calmed you down a little and you even stopped crying. "You can tell me."

"I... can't do this..." you pressed your hands on your face and hissed a little because your hand touched the slapped spot that was still red from pain. It could be there for days, you didn't know how much power the 6th king used.

"Do what?"

"This king thing... I was forced to come here..." You said quietly.

"But you said that- wait. You were talking about another job of yours." He stared at you. Now his eyes weren't cold anymore like they used to be. They were warm and kind, like your brother. "Do you want to talk about it?" He offered some comfort.

"I don't know... I'd rather not..."

"Did something bad happen it the past?"

"..." You stayed quiet. The 6th king was examining your every move as you shifted next to him. It was a little uncomfortable because you didn't trust him completely yet. "I...my job wasn't the purest job out there..." you started. The 6th king's eyes widened in shock. "My parents forced me to work as a p-" You couldn't finish your sentence as your eyes started watering again. It was hard to talk about these things.

"Hey. It's okay." The king soothed and pressed his palm in your hair, ruffling it slowly.

"I feel disgusted. I hate myself because of that job... I don't like the awful memories that always pour into my mind... every- t- time..." You cried.

"Shh, you're not disgusting. Remember that you were forced to do that... it wasn't your fault." The king moved his hands in your hair, calming you down again.

"My little brother... he's still there..." You cried again, remembering that your brother was still at home. He wa probably being abused by your parents, if not worse... "I don't know if he's still... here..."

"What? Why wouldn't he be?" The king widened his eyes in shock. You were obviously traumatized by something. It had a huge effect in you life. "Are your parents... good parents..?"

You couldn't answer so you just nodded your head as a yes. The king sighed and took your hands in his. Your heart skipped a beat when his hands touched yours. "Wha-"

"6th! Where are you??" A sudden voice disturbed you both. The 6th king released his hands from yours immediately and stood up. "For God's sake where the hell is that idiot..." The voice spoke again. It sounded a lot like Jin who went looking for the 6th king, although, it was hours ago.

"I'm here." The 6th king announced and walked torwards the voice. "I was in the garden."

"I see, well. I have to talk to you about something... It's about Jungkook..."

"What is it?" The 6th king said impatiently.

"Don't attack him anymore, please. He's had a hard life." Jin sighed. "I heard that his parents killed... his little brother... It's awful..." Jin sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"W- what?"

"Why do you sound so hurt and surprised?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows. "It's not like you care, right?" Jin rolled his eyes and left the garden.

Your little brother was gone. He was gone from this world now. Your own parents killed him cold-bloodedly. You didn't even say goodbye when you left with your mother because you weren't allowed to.

It's like you were in some kind of a shock state. Your brain couldn't function properly because of the new horrifying info you got.

"Jungkook..." You heard the familiar voice call out to you. "I'm so sorry..."