8. Disturbed



"Hello, Jungkook. Long time no see." He was clearly being sarcastic now. Jungkook was scared because he had no one to lean on to right now. No Jin hyung or... Taehyung...

"W- what are you doing here??? You're trespassing." Jungkook stated boldly.

"Jungkook. What did I tell you about talking back to your father like that?" He smirked and got closer to Jungkook. "Let me just tell you something, alright?"

"S- stay away from me!" Jungkook pushed his father away from him, which clearly made him angrier than before.

"Come here." His father grabbed the injured and broken arm and yanked Jungkook closer to him. "Sleep..." He whispered and pulled a wet cloth from his pocket. Jungkook tried resisting but his fathers grip was hurting him a lot, because he was grabbing his broken arm so tightly.

Jungkook felt the wet cloth on his mouth and he tried not to breath for a moment, but of course he couldn't hold his breath for long, so he gave up and inhaled the poison from the cloth. He began feeling really dizzy and passed out on his father. His father, on the other hand, had a big smirk on his face and began carrying Jungkook's body away.

"What the fuck are you doing and who the hell are you?" A strong voice echoed in the forest now. Jungkook's father drobbed him on the ground and ran away. "Tch, I'm getting that bastard behind bars..." The voice said again.

It was one of the kings that saved Jungkook. He carried him to a nurse's office and laid him on one of the beds there. Jungkook was obviously still sleeping because of the drug and he wasn't going to wake up for a moment. Who knew what kind of drug his father used to get him to sleep?

"Is there a nurse around?" The king yelled and and immediately bunch of nurses burst from the big doors. "Good. The kid's fucked up, treat him." He said and left the room.


"Taehyungie? Did you hear what hapenned to Jungkook?" Jin knocked on his door.

"No, and why should I care?" Taehyung spoke coldly.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You were so kind to him a few days ago? Anyway, I heard that his arm was broken by someone and he was drugged by someone. We don't know who the drugger is yet though..." Jin sighed and opened Taehyung's door.

It stung Taehyung a little knowing that it was him who broke the younger's arm. But it hurt even more that he was drugged and almost kidnapped. He didn't want to think about it though, because he was still angry. Noody was allowed into that room, other than Taehyung himself, and Jungkook had seen everything.

"Taetae... why are you being such a bitch to Jungkook all of a sudden? He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Jin complained as if protecting the younger.

"He... he saw that room..." Taehyung mumbled into his pillow. "And he lied that he didn't..."

"...are you sure?" Jin looked at Taehyung with an unexplained expression now. "Where did you hear that?"

"Jiminie..." Taehyugn murmured.

"TAE! You know that little bitch is a small jealous fuck! Why would you believe him??" Jin yelled.

"Because he's my friend, my best friend! Jin you don't understand!" Taehyng yelled, and the whole room shoke. Jin widened his eyes and sighed disappointedly.

"I didn't know you would go to this extend, and use your powers against me... you know such spells won't effect me, and you still used it..." Jin sighed and left the room with a sad look.


Jin was walking through the hallways when he bumped into a familiar figure. Jin smiled a little when he realized it was his belowed Namjoon who he just bumped into, but his expression turned into a sulking one instantly when he thought about Taehyung.

"Jin! Sorry about that." Namjoon scratched his neck and looked at Jin. His expression turned into a worried one once he saw Jin's sulky one. "What's wrong?" He cupped Jin's face in his big hands.

"It's Tae... he used is powers against me... I thought we promised not to use them against each other..." Jin sighed and closed his eyes while leaning his head against Namjoon's hand. "I'm just... disappointed..."

"What? He used his powers? Are you hurt-"

"No, I'm not. His powers don't effect me. But still... a little disappointing, yes." Jin sighed again.

"Jin. Namjoon. What are you doing in the middle of the hallway?" A voice echoed through the hallways.

"Yoongi! Is Jungkookie okay?" Jin worried.

"He's in good hands now, I'm the one who saved him after all. Don't worry about him. You're going to get wrinkles if you do." Yoongi smirked and walked past the couple.

"YAH! Why would I get wrinkles?????" Jin yelled at Yoongi who was already walking away. "Hmph." Namjoon chuckled at Jin and hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry about anyone now. Everything's fine, baby." Namjoon cooed and lifted Jin on his back to take him to their shared bedroom. "Let's go sleep, it's been a long day after all."

"Mhmm." Jin hummed and snuggled his head in the crook of Namjoon's neck.


In the mean time, Jungkook was waking up. He found himself in an unknown bed and tried to sit up. His body ached as soon a he tried to do that and he gave up. Soft sights could be heard in the room. Jungkook was really tired and he didn't know what to do now. His father almost kidnapped him and god knows what he would've done if he succeeded in that.

His arm was bandaged up and it was in a case. It still hurt but not that much. He guessed the nurse gave him a lot of pain killers to ease the pain. It was painful after all.

A sudden wave of saddnes came to him. He remembered his dead brother again. It was truly getting worrysome that he had thought about it so much. It almost felt like the young one was depressed. He wasn't smiling as much as he had in the past with his brother and he was crying a lot more than usual. He became so sensitive in so little time that he didn't even notice all the changes he had gone through.

He's been a king for 4 days and he hates it already. He hates how his parents basically forced him to be one. Although there is Jin and Namjoon and Yoongi who seem nice at least. He doesn't know about Taehyung anymore. First, he thought he was an asshole. Then he thought he was a kind and a caring person, but now he is an asshole again. It's like he has multiple personalities.


When Taehyung broke Jungkook's arm, he actually used his power a little bit. He felt guilty about it, but decided to ignore his feelings for now. It's not like he cared about Jungkook. He hated him in fact.

When the kings use powers against someone, that certain someone might have an injury for the rest of their lives, or they're dead. Jungkook wasn't an exception to him. Although he didn't kill him, he used his powers to boost up his strenght a little. It seemed to affect Jungkook. Honsetly Taehyung was a little shocked how Jungkook didn't cry at all. It was like he was actually used to that. It was a bit worrying.


"Yoongi? Ugh, where is he?" A voice echoed in the dark hallways. It was Hobi. He was looking for Yoongi because he felt a little uneasy in the castle for some reason. It was like there was someone who didn't belong here. And yes, Hobi knew. His power could detect people who weren't familiar to him or who were suspicious. He also could see what other were doing if he wanted to, but he doesn't use that power that much, since it's a little inappropriate.

"Hobi? What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Jimin raised his eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. Jimin was still wearing his normal clothes which was a little suspicious. Of course Hobi wouldn't say anything about this because he doesn't want to cause trouble. He doesn't want to fight with Jimin, because he knew how manipulative the younger one could be. He can literally make anyone sleep with his free will, or manipulate them, hypnotize them. It was scary honestly.

This is why Hobi felt a little nervous around Jimin. He didn't want to get on his bad side, or else something would definitely happen between the two. "I was just looking for Yoongi." Hobi answered. "Do you maybe know where he is?" He asked nervously. Jimin doesn't know about Hobi's powers, and Hobi would like to keep it that way.

"No, I have no idea where he might be." Jimin shrugged and walked past Hobi, grabbing his shoulder as he walked. "I know about the two of you." He smirked and walked away into the darkness, leaving Hobi alone in the hallway. His eyes widened and he tightened his fists in anger. He knew someone would find out about them, but Jimin knowing about them felt disturbing. He wasn't the usual friend to him. Actually, Hobi doesn't really consider Jimin a friend at all. Even though they've been together for 7 years. He still doesn't consider him as his close friends. He's only accepting him because Taehyung likes Jimin.

"Hoseok? Why are you on the floor?" Yoongi called. Yes, Hobi, or Hoseok, was kneeling on the floor, thingking about something. His legs gave out because of all the nervousness. "Are yuou okay??" Yoongi hurried to his side and caressed the small of his back in slow motions.

"He knows..." Hoseok mumbled.

"Who knows what??" Yoongi looked at Hoseok with a confused face.

"Jimin, he knows about us..." Hoseok cupped his face with his palms and took a deep breath.
