19. You're worrying too much, Namjoon.

"But have you seen anyone with wind magic before?"


"Wind magic?!" Hoseok screeched. "Are you serious???" He added.

"I am, Taehyung told me about it. He was shocked as well." Namjoon sighed. "I've heard of wind magic, but it's basically a myth... there's no way he can be one of them-" Namjoon froze in his spot.

"Namjoonie?" Hoseok tilted his head in confusion after seeing his friend frozen. "Is there something wrong?"

"He... he has cherry-red hair... that's... that's more than enough proof." Namjoon stuttered in thought. "What if he is one of them?" His eyebrows were knitted together as he thought of all the possibilities.

"One of... what?" Hoseok gulped.

"I... I've only heard about it from stories and myths but... it can't be true, right?" Namjoon took a deep breath. "Hoseok, have you ever heard the term Demigod? " Namjoon said quietly.

"Demigod? Aren't those the red hai- WHAT?! No, no, no, you can't possibly be impying that Jungkook is one of them???" Hoseok screeched again.

"I guess I am, and if that's true, then one of his parents isn't a human." Namjoon stopped. "But how the hell hasn't he awakened his powers until now?" Namjoon remarked.

"You're right, but shoudn't we talk about this with Jungkook when he is around?" Hoseok mentioned.

"Yeah, I guess we should. I'll get going now. Good luck with Yoongi." Namjoon scratched his neck and left the hideout.

"Thanks..." Hoseok sighed and took a glance at Yoongi, who was sleeping on his lap. "What am I going to do with you?" Hoseok sniffled a little and kissed Yoongi's forehed.


Meanwhile, Jin was walking through the forest alone, hoping that Jimin would show himself to him. It was a little scary knowing that Jimin might be one of those rogues, but he didn't want to believe it. He had lived with Jimin and the others for over seven years. All of that would be instantly gone if he was one of the rogues.

He had indeed been a little suspicious around them, but that doesn't mean he's one of them, right? Maybe he just doesn't like Jungkook. Yeah, maybe that's it. At the moment, Jin was circling throught the forest, calling for Jimin. Maybe he would show himself if he did that, or maybe someone else would come and show themselves.

Shifting could be heard in the bushes, but Jin thought it was just an animal. Oh how wrong he was. A sudden sentence sent shivers down Jin's spine as he tried to see in the dark forest.

"What do we have here?" A mysterious voice said. It felt like the voice was everywhere. At the same time it felt like the voice came from Jin's head. He had no idea if the source of the voice was coming from a human that was nearby or not.

"W- who are you?" Jin stuttered a little, still being blind in the dark forest.

"You think I'd tell you?" The voice laughed in his ears, making him disgusted. "I'm just glad you showed yourself. We were getting a little impatient waiting for you guys." The voice spat.

"You were waiting for us?" Jin gasped a little. "What are you going to do?" He said desparately. He would be calling for Namjoon really soon, since it looked like this guy was going to bring trouble.

"Oh! We're just going to kill you, Kim Seokjin." The voice laughed like a maniac in the forest, making Jin scared. it was the last straw for him, so he decided to call for Namjoon.

'Namjoonie...someone is here...' He said through their shared link, almost immediately getting an answer from his lover.

'I'll be there in a second, don't worry.' Namjoon answered, trying to calm the scared male that was just about to get attacked by an unknown person.

'Hurry, I don't know when he'll attack me...' Jin spoke again. This time he didn't get an answer, figuring that Namjoon was getting closer and didn't have time to answer him.

Something shifted again, making Jin jump a little. A dark figure was now walking torwards him, making him back up slowly. "How do you know my name?" Jin spoke again.

"We know everything about you and that petty power of yours." The figure in front of him spoke. It was slowly approaching him and it made Jin shiver. He had never encountered anyone this intimidating. "And if you're waiting for answers, there aren't going to be any." The figure laughed.

"We? Wha...!" Jin didn't have time to talk, because the figure had lunged torwards him, making him fall on the ground. "...ugh..." Jin whimpered in pain as the figure hovered above him, pinning Jin's body to the ground with force. The panicked Jin was getting desparate as Namjoon was nowhere to be seen at the moment. He was waiting for his lover impatiently.

'Joonie- ugh- he's going to kill- ugh- kill me... hurry up!' Jin spoke through the link, getting a response as soo as he stopped. But the response wasn't through the link, like he thought. Namjoon was standing next to the figure that was hovering over Jin, immediately pushing the figure away from his lover.

"You alright?" Namjoon hurried to Jin's side, only to see that something was definitely wrong with him. "Wha-!" Namjoon widened is eyes as soon as he saw the dagger that was digging it's way through Jin's shoulder. Blood was coming out of the fresh wound and it wasn't stopping any time soon, making Namjoon panic with worry. "Jin-"

"D- don't worry about- ugh- this wound. I'll heal it." Jin hissed in pain.

"Are you sure? It's gonna have an effect on you, the last time you healed someone didn't go as plan-"

"Shh, Namjoon, I'm going to be fine, trust m- me." Jin smiled weakly and brushed his hand against Namjoon's cheek, slowly moving his thumb across the cheek. "It's going to be fine." He repeated.

"Sorry to disturb your sweet moment, but I have more important things to do than watch you lick each others faces off." the figure approached the two kings. Namjoon stood up and shielded his lover with everything he had. He had to save time for Jin to heal himself, he had to.

"Stay away." Namjoon growled with his strong voice, making the figure stop. "If you take even a step closer to him, I'll take you to the darkest pits of hell, I promise you that." He said with a voice so low, that even Jin got goosebumson his skin.

"...wowie, didn't know you can be this scary if you actually try." The man laughed. "Fine, I won't kill you two now, but I promise you, I will come back for all of you." He chuckled and disappeared from sight.

"Finally.." Namjoon sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, walking back to Jin, who was laying on the ground, breathing heavily. "You okay, babe?" Namjoon worried.

"Y- yeah, but Namjoonie, can you take the dagger out of my shoulder, please?" Jin weakly smiled. "I can't heal the wound if it's stuck in me." He added.

"Of course, though, it might hurt a little..." Namjoon whined.

"I can't do anything about the pain anymore, my shoulder is numb anyway." Jin chuckled a little. Namjoon sighed and pressed his hands ojn the dagger's handle. "I'm ready, Joon." Jin smiled. That was when Namjoon pulled the dagger out of Jin's shoulder, cringing when Jin whined under him. As soon as the dagger was out, green light illuminated the area they were in, showing that Jin was indeed healing himself.

"Good, it's healing." Namjoon sighed weakly, ressing his head on Jin's forehead to calm himself. "I was scared." Namjoon admitted. Jin could only chuckle at Namjoon's remark.

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" Jin smiled. "Plus I'm already healing, right?" He chuckled again and placed a soft kiss on Namjoon's forehead. "Don't worry, Joon. I'll be okay."