20. The hideout and the make out

At the same time, Taehyung and Jungkook were heading torwards the castle. Taehyung was carrying Jungkook on his back, running at the same time. Of course it made him tired but he didn't care right now. His objective was to get Jungkook to a safe place so he can rest for a while. Taehyung kenw exactly where to go, since there was another place to hide at in the castle.

They were just arriving at the palace ground, when Taehyung heard someone yell. It sounded like there were a bunch of people in the castle, waiting for the kings to appear out of nowhere. Honestly, it was the perfect time to let loose a little and fight. Of course Taehyung didn't have any time for that, but later. He promised to kick all of their asses later tonight.

He was now standing in fron tof the huge gate, examining the yard. He had no intensions of getting caught by the rogues, since it would be too humiliating for him to get caught. Jungkook, on the other hand, was still sleeping soundly on his back, breathing onto his neck, constantly making Taehyung feel things he probably shouldn't feel right now.

"Kookie, we're almost there." He softly shoke Jungkook's shoulder to wake him up. The younger only softly rubbed his face with the corner of his sleeve, falling asleep once again. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight next to him. He had no idea when he had developed such a soft spot for Jungkook.

"Kookie, wake up." Taehyung ruffled the younger hair. But again, he only let out a small mumble before falling asleep again. Now Taehyung was a little irritated. He didn't want to repeat things more than twice. "For fucks sake, wake up." He huffed, and instantly made the younger wake up. In fact, he almost fell from Taehyung's back, but the older caught him before he fell on the ground.

"T-tae?" Jungkook mumbled with his sleepy but shocked voice. He was still extremely tired because of his training, but Taehyung had other plans than to sleep tonight. He wanted to fight the rogues, it was obvious, seeing the shining but confident eyes of Taehyung, who was looking forward to that exact moment. "Did...something happen?" Jungkook tilted his head cutely. Of course Taehyung couldn't be angry at such a cutie.

"Hmph, we need to be careful from now on. We can't have them finding out about us, can we?" Taehyung stated and crouched down to peep through the huge gate. "There are some rogues in the yard. That makes this a bit difficult..." He bit his lip in thought.

"Isn't there another gate in the back?" Jungkook rubbed his eyes. "We could sneak inside the castle from there." He yawned.

"Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about that." Taehyung chuckled and lifted Jungkook on his back again. "If you're that tired, just sleep for a bit more." He smiled. Jungkook only nodded and plopped his head against Taehyung's neck again. The older let out a low chuckle in satisfaction before making a move.

He carefully moved next to the wall, examining the area. There were no guards around, it was like all of them were gone, as if every single guard had disappeared from the palace. Jungkook was slowly breathing on Taehyung's back, sleeping soundly with now care in the world at all. Taehyung knew it was a little risky, yes, they could be spotted, but that wasn't the wort scenario right now.

Once he got to the side gate, he looked around to see if there were any rogues, fortunately there weren't any at the moment. Maybe they didn't know about the ide gate. Jungkook was good to point out about the other gate, because Taehyung had seriously forgotten about it. He slowly opened the cranky gate, and slipped to the yard, careful not to make a sound.

The yard was truly empty, no guards, no rogues, no one. It was just the two of them trying to break in, ironically, to their own home. Taehyung's blood boiled at the thought of them being forced out of the castle, their own home, damn it. Jungkook's soft breaths calmed him down tho, it was calming to feel his small breaths against his neck, he felt warm.

Taehyung actually managed to slip inside the castle, slowly making his way to the small hideout. It was hard, since the castke was swarming with rogues, but it wasn't mission impossible or anything like that. It was actualy pretty simple. he just had to use an invisibility spell, that's all. He smoothly made his way to the hideout, opened the small iron door and closed it behind him.

The space was dark and Taehyung could basically feel all the dust flowing in the air. He pressed his hand against the wall, looking for the light switch. Once finding it, he pressed it and suddenly one dim light glowed in front of him, illuminating the room with warm light, that was barely able to light up the darkest pits of the room.

"Wow, it's pretty dark in here." Taehyung hummed and put Jungkook down se he could lay on Taehyungs lap. He was still sleeping, even thought there were people basically yelling outside. It was surprising. "Kookie, wake up, we're in the hideout." Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear. The younger flinched and his eyes fluttered open immediately. With a small whimper the smaller one blushed furiously next to the older king. He wasn't used to him being so close all of a sudden.

"T- tae, where are we." Jungkook whispered, still blushing. "Are we... in the castle?" He asked cutely, rubbing his eye.

"Yeah, we should be safe for now." Taehyung hummed and examined the room again. It was pretty spacious. It had the medicine they needed for Yoongi and it also had foor and stuff for other needs. "Oh, and Jungkook." Taehyung suddenly spoke. Jungkook hummed and looked at him, waiting for Taehyung to continue. "Um, are you... okay?" He added quietly.

"I- yeah, I'm fine now." Jungkook nodded slowly. "I'm still a little tired, but I'm okay." He smiled widely, his cute bunny teeth showing, startling the older.

"H- hmph, right. Well, that's cut- I mean, good." Taehyung blushed a little. "Good, that's good." He repeated himself again. Jungkook blinked a few times before breaking into small giggles in front of the older one, confusing him more.

"Tae, you're funny." Jungkook chuckled before calming down a little. He didn't realize that Taehyung's look had changed into another one. It was dark, full of...lust...? Anyway, it scared Jungkook, Taehyung was intimidating. He felt like Taehyung could approach him at any moment, and honestly speaking, it made his heart flutter in his tiny chest.

"...Jungkook..." Taehyung huffed out a low breathy name, Jungkook's name specifically. It made butterflies form in Jungkook's tummy. He had never seen Taehyugn like this, he wasn't scary like before, no, this time he sounded gentle and... mysterious, even. He was walking torwards Jungkook, slowly closing the distance between the two of them. Until Jungkook was leaning against a wall and Taehyung was staring at his big doe eyes with an unreadable look on his face.

"I- I-." Jungkook stuttered, blushing like a madman in front of the older one. Taehyung's forehead was pressed on the younger's forehead, and the room was filled with heay breaths coming from the two.

Honestly speaking, Jungkook liked Taehyung a little. He had not realized it until a few moments back, when he he carried him on his back in the forest so gently. It made his heart flutter. He wanted Taehyung to do something, touch him, make him his, something. It made him impatient. Taehyung, on the other hand, was mesmerized by the younger. He knew that he felt something for the cherry-red haired boy and he couldn't deny it anymore.

At the same time he felt guilty because he caused so much harm, but at the same time he wanted to break the younger completely, make him him and his only. Claim him, even. He was getting dangerously close to Jungkook's face, lips hovering above the younger's, so close to touching. He could feel how Jungkook's small breaths were hitting his lips, making him more hungry, hungry for Jungkook.

"T- tae..." He stuttered with the olders name, but before he had the chance to say it, he felt Taehyung's lips crashing with his own, finally breaking the invisible wall between them. His eyes widened, but he closed them immediately, kissing back twice as lovingly.

Taehyung had noticed this, and smirked into the kiss, hands moving to the younger's hips, moving him even closer to him. The wet lips of Jungkook made him crazy, wanting to feel the other more. His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head when he finally kissed the younger, closing the distance.It wasl like a dream come true.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was whining into the kiss, hungrily wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck. He had never had a kiss like this in the past. Only disgusting kisses from all the disgusting men. He felt like throwing up only by thinking about them. But right now, he was enjoying the moment very much.

"...ah..." Jungkook accidentally let out a small moan through his small lips. The older noticed this, of course and detached his lips for a moment, looking at the younger's eyes with a lustfull look. "W- why do I feel like t- this...?" Jungkook said between the heavy breaths.

"I don't know, beautiful." Taehyung breathed and clashed his lips back against Jungkook's red ones, wanting to feel his lips again. "Why are you doing this to me?" Taehyung spoke through the kisses.

"D- doing wha- ah~! Doing w- what..?" Jungkook was literally a moaning mess at this point. Taehyung's hand were travelling on his body like he was exploring, examining every corner and curve on the youngers body. It felt like his body was on fire, because of Taehyung's amazing touch.

"Why do you make me feel like this?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook's eyes again, biting the younger's lower lip hungrily before continuing their make out session.
