Now Worry?

A few days pass, there has been no word about what is going on. At least, not any word to Saber. Ratchet isn't very happy about her keeping the secret and has forbidden her from being able to know what is going on unless it is serious.

So here lies Saber, bored out of her processor, and laying on her berth in her berthroom. Saber sits up, an annoyed expression on her faceplates. Swinging her pedes over the side, she stands up and walks towards the door. It opens to show the empty hallways of the Autobot base. It is late out currently. Saber's light pedes tap gently across the metal floor.

Making her way towards the hangar, she steps out onto the colder metal. "And where do you think you're going?" She quickly turns around, seeing the familiar yellow bug she calms down a bit. "Expecting Ratchet?" He asks with a smirk on his face. His arms are crossed and he is leaning on the door frame. Saber rolls her optics, her servos now placed gently on her hips. "Don't worry, I won't tell Ratchet." A small smile makes it's way to her face, she walks over quietly and hugs Bumblebee. "Being honest, I snuck out too." Saber laughs quietly.

When she pulls apart, she looks up at him and smiles. "Thanks Bee." She says quietly, then turns and transforms. Bumblebee shakes his helm while chuckling.

"You are so much like your Carrier." He mutters, then turns and walks back inside the Institute. While with Saber, she drives off to a spot she had once found while patrolling a while back. She never had the chance to go there much, giving the fact that the Decepticons were basically on a hunt for any Autobots. Wheels drive fast against the rocky ground, nearby, a detector turns red. Symbolizing something has tripped the alarm.


Decepticon Base in Kaon,

"Lord Slade," A mech's voice is heard, he stands forward in front of Slade. His armor is black, while his protoform(Under his armor) is silver. The beady red optics staring at Slade's dangerous ones.

"What is it, Hunter?" He asks, the mech. Or well...Hunter. Hunter takes a breath.

"One of the area scanners were tripped a few minutes ago, we believe it was an Autobot." Slade looks up in thought, his servos making their way behind his back as he turns around. In front of him stands all of Kaon. "Should we send the scouts to figure it out?" Slade shakes his helm.

"No. I think I know exactly which Autobot it is." A smirk forming on his derma. "I'll deal with it, for now, keep any and all other Autobots from getting near the area." Hunter puts his arm over his chassis.

"Yes my Lord." He bows slightly, then turns and walks away.

"You can't run forever, Saber."


With Saber

The sound of transforming echoes through the open area, all around her sits bones of the dead Predacons. This place had been abandoned eons before the war. When the Primes killed off all the Predacons, no one ever wanted to come back here. Saber's pede steps echo for a few yards away, avoiding any of the bones as she walks.

She always came here to calm her mind, never knew why she always liked it here. But it was just peaceful. Quiet. Open. It made her forget about the whole war, it made her believe there was peace in their forsaken world. A soft sound nearby causes her to look over at a pile of debris. She quietly walks over, reaching back, she grabs her blade and pulls it out.

When she moves the debris, the sound gets louder. Is that...? Saber is left is shock, cowering in front of her is a small Predacon. The Predacon is a soft gold with bits of light pink spots on her wings. The rest seems to be silver, or maybe that's white. The Predacon looks very dirty and their wing seems to be possibly broken.

The Predacon tries to growl at Saber, hoping to scare her off. But she just looks at the Predacon sparkling and crouches down. Gently, and slowly she puts the blade back in it's spot on her back struts. Showing both of her servos empty, she shows that she is not a threat to the Predacon.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you." Sabers voice box is soft, and caring. A small smile on her face, the blue and white femme gently moves closer to the predacon. Seeing as the Predacon isn't going to freak out, she carefully wraps her arms around the small Predacons body. Holding the small predacon close to her spark as to warm her up, she inspects the broken wing.

Softly, Sabers servo wraps around the broken wing, moving it carefully. When a painful yelp is heard from the small Predacon, she pulls away gently. "It's okay. Just try not to think to much about it." Saber whispers quietly, then touches the wing again. This time she doesn't pull away, she only becomes more gentle.

Saber notices this small piece of metal, most likely from the debris, stuck in the Predacons wing. Carefully, she pulls the metal out, throwing it to the side. "That feel better?" Saber whispers to the predacon. Who stands up again and flaps their wings gently. Wincing slightly from the pain. Gaining a smile from the silver and blue femme. Static begins to come from Saber's comms. That can't be good. "Go." Saber says quickly, standing up. Her optics close for a moment, feeling the breeze getting stronger.

The chilly air blows against her back struts, but when it stops, she opens her bright blue optics. Turning around, she nearly shouts in shock.

But a servo covers her mouth so she can't. "Hello love," he has that accent too, it just makes her want to melt. Quickly shaking her helm, she pulls his servo away. Reaching back, she grabs the handle of her blade. He sighs. Grabbing her wrist, he kicks her pedes so she falls to the ground. He quickly pins her down on her stomach, holding her wrist against her back. His other servo holds her helm down. Using his body weight, he keeps her down. "Like I said before, not here to fight." He says softly in her audio receptor.

"I don't care." Saber manages to speak, using her pedes, she kicks him off of her. With a grunt, he lets go. "Why are you here then?" He just looks at her, "If you don't want to fight, why are you here?!" Finally she loses it on him. "Why are you always here?" He walks forwards, and grabs her arms. Pulling her towards him, "Why do you always do this?" Saber's voice comes out as more of a cry. The small Predacon hears her cry, and comes back, despite the fear spreading through the small predacon's body.

"Predacon..." He mutters, fire breathing from the predacon's derma. Causing the Decepticon lord to release Saber. Who stumbles backwards, looking at the small predacon. He sighs once more. "I don't want to hurt you Saber, and I won't. But that doesn't mean I won't stop you from getting in the way." Saber reaches back and grabs the handle of the blade on her back. Pulling it out, the blade glows this bright blue and white color.

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" She growls at him, standing in front of the predacon as to protect them from the mech. He reaches back and pulls out his black blade with red and silver on it.

"You'll find out, when I bring you back to Kaon." That takes her back a bit, but that was all he needed to hit her in the face with the butt of the handle from his blade. Saber falls to the ground, surprisingly still conscious. She brings her servo up and feels where he hit her, when she brings it back down, energon stains her servo.

"Scrap." She mutters, barely able to look up at the mech. Her vision begins to dance with blurriness. To her, the distant sound of the predacon yelping is heard. Then nothing.


A few hours pass, the day has come once more, the Autobots have been searching since early morning for Saber. However they have found nothing. "Where is she?!" Ratchet shouts, he hasn't been very happy that Saber ran off. No one else knows what Optimus had told him that day, so they don't understand why he is acting this way.

"Calm down Ratch." Wheeljack says calmly, "She'll come back, and if something did happen, she's Primes daughter. She can handle herself, we made sure of that." Ratchet sighs, standing at the end of the table.

"I know, it's just. She shouldn't have left without telling anybot." He rubs his faceplates tiredly, he hasn't been able to think properly since they found out she was missing. Racer was the one to find out, he went to her berthroom, because no one had saw her all day. Which isn't very natural for Saber.

"I saw her leave last night." Bumblebee says, causing everyone to look over at him.

"What in Primus' name were you thinking?!" Ratchet shouts, anger in his optics. Bumblebee just sighs.

"Look, it's been weeks since she was allowed to leave the base." Racer just sighs, and mutters something.

"I wonder why." Bumblebee just glares at him.

"Look, she was leaving anyways, with or without my permission. I put a tracker on her, it seems the tracker had been disabled. But only after she stopped." Everyone looks over at him. "She was in the burial grounds for the Predacons, there was one Decepticon signal soon after, but other than that. Nothing. After a few minutes, it was destroyed." Everyone sighs, rubbing his optics, Smokescreen speaks up.

"Okay, you said one Decepticon right?" Bumblebee nods his helm, "What Decepticon can beat her in a fight?" Smokescreen asks, but really he knows.

"Slade." Racer growls, quickly leaving the room, a servo is placed on his shoulder blade.

"Don't do anything rash, kid," Ultra Magnus tells him, who finally calms down. His helm down, this anger boiling inside him everytime he thinks about Slade.

"He always hurts her, but yet she still cares for him. How?" Racer looks up at Ultra Magnus with sadness in his optics. "I care about her, so much. But she always goes back to him. Even if he hurts her. Why?" Ultra Magnus stays quiet for a moment, closing his optics. He breathes gently.

"Because she loves him, whether they want it or not, their sparks are bonded. They will always love one another, even if they end up hurting each other. That's what sparkmates are, two who love each other more than their war. Slade may not admit it, but he loves her more than he thinks." Ultra Magnus pauses for a moment.

"Then why attack her?" Racer asks quietly.

"I believe he didn't attack her," That confuses Racer, "I believe, he wants to keep her safe. By taking her out of the war, by taking her out of harms way." The red and white mech goes quiet.

"One of these days, he's going to realize that then. You can never take her out of war without a fight. I guess, she's just attracted to war." Racer says quietly. A small chuckle at that last part.

"We will find her, Racer. In time, if you go now, you will only get hurt. And that won't make anything any easier for her." A different servo is placed on Racer's back struts.

"Come on Racer, it will be alright. She is Primes Daughter after all, if we don't have faith in her. Who will? Sometimes we don't give her enough credit, because we're too busy worried about keeping her safe. We forget just how powerful she really is." Racer turns around to face Bumblebee.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"She was trained by the best, after all."