Love Hurts

Decepticon Base in Kaon,

A soft sigh escapes Saber's derma, it's been a few hours since she had awoken. So far, nothing has really happened. No one has come. There isn't really anything in the room either. She sits against the wall on the ground, both her servos are cuffed to the wall near her helm so she can't stand.

"Great." She mutters, just then, the door opens and in walks Slade. Saber doesn't say anything for a while, she just stares at the ground as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Saber, love." He crouches down, the blade on his back barely inches from touching the ground. His servo lifts Saber's chin so she is staring at him. "You know I won't hurt you." He whispers, his servo gently moving across her cheek. However, she still doesn't speak to him. Slade just sighs, standing up, he steps back a few feet. "I know you're mad, but as long as you stay here, you'll be out of harms way." He reaches forwards and opens her cuffs. Saber lowers her servos to her lap, seeing as she isn't going to say anything Slade turns and walks towards the door.

"Where is she?" Slade stops, barely turning to see her out of the corner of his optic. "Where is the Predacon?" Saber asks a bit louder, but the anger doesn't go unnoticed. A small smile forms on Slade's derma.

"I'm not that cruel, Love." He continues walking, shutting the door behind him. "Release the Predacon." He tells the Decepticons holding the frightened predacon. Opening the door slowly, the cons release the predacon. Quickly, the predacon runs into the room. Upon noticing Saber, the young predacon quickly runs over.

"Hey, you okay?" The small Predacon curls up next to her, resting their helm in Saber's lap. The femme takes this moment to check over the Predacons injury from before. Then tilts her helm in confusion. The wing is completely healed. Saber looks up at the door where the Decepticon lord once stood. He healed her? Why? Said predacon, makes a soft dragon noise. "So, what should I call you, little Predacon?" Saber sits there for a moment, thinking. "Hmm, how about..." Her optics soften at the thought of a name that had come to her processor. "...Hydra..." Hydra chirps happily, causing Saber to laugh. "Hydra it is."


A few days have passed now, Saber has been well taken care of. So has Hydra. Slade often comes in to try and get Saber to talk to him, but every time he tries, she refuses to sometimes even look at him. One night though, things didn't go very well for Saber.

She slowly opens her optics, seeing this dark void all around her, she quickly stands up. Looking around, she doesn't find anything to tell her of where she is. "Hello?!" She shouts, hoping to find something. But nothing. Saber begins to walk in one direction, or so she hopes so. It's so dark, she can't even tell if she is walking.

Things change quickly, everything is red in an instant. "S-stop!" Saber shouts. Her servos holding her helm, hoping to make the sudden noise and pain go away. She soon falls to her knees, unable to hold back the pain in her helm.

Her vision quickly becomes blurry, the area around her changes back to black. But this time there are bots, or cons, standing in front of her. Her servos fall to her side, the mumbling of talking is barely made out in her audio receptors. "What the...scrap?" One of the mechs walk over, kneeling next to her, he gently pushes her back against the floor, or what appears to be a floor.

"Calm down." The mech's voice is commanding, but soft. Caring. Saber gently opens her optics again, seeing the rough outline of a big mech who has a long beard. He appears to be maybe silver, or dirty white. A few others are behind him, but she can't make out what they look like.

"What's going...on?" Saber's senses are quickly coming, back. Unfortunately, the first to come back, are her instinct on fighting. She quickly stands up, barely able to see. Kicking said mech, and reaching back for her blade. Grabbing the handle, she pulls it out. A mech wraps his arms around her, keeping her from swinging her blade. The muffles of talking is blurred out, her vision only growing worse. The talking, soon turned into yelling. "Stop it!" Saber shouts, stomping on the mechs pede, causing him to let her go. She grabs his arm and throws him to the ground.

Grabbing her sword, she goes to cut off his helm, but a bigger mech grabs her arm. This one seems...familiar. She can barely make out the colors of red and blue. For some reason, it calms her down. His bigger arms hold her close to his spark. "Calm down, Saber." She tries everything to get out of his grip, but he holds her gently.

"W-Who are you?" She whispers, her optics not becoming any better.

"I'm afraid you cannot know that yet, in time, you will know." His voice is soothing, calm, it makes her spark want to be with it. Slowly, Saber's spark begins to calm down. Once it does, she rests her helm on his chassis.

"S-sire..." She mutters quietly, it's proven when the mech holds her tighter. Soon enough, everything disappears.


"Saber Prime!" Saber awakens to being shaken, shaking her helm quickly, she looks up to see Slade with slight worry in his optics. She looks over to see Hydra fighting a few cons who are holding her back. However, she has a muzzle on so she can't bite them or use her fire breathing.

"W-What?!" Saber pushes herself further into the wall, trying to keep away from Slade because of how close he is to her currently. He begins to relax seeing that she is fine.

"You were panicking in your sleep, are you alright?" Saber looks away from him, her spark pulsing very fast. He once again gently grabs her chin. Turning it so she looks at him. "Are you alright?" She now notices that her blade isn't here, that had to be a dream right? Or a nightmare? Quickly, Saber pushes his servo away with her own. Attempting to stand, he pushes her back down. This time, she kicks him. Then stands up. "Saber-"

He doesn't get the chance to speak, because she punches him in the face. Then quickly uses her forearm blades to kill the cons holding Hydra. Before she has the chance to run out of the room, Slade grabs her arm. "Stop." He grabs her other one as well. "I don't want to hurt you Saber," She just kicks him again. However, Slade just sighs. "Fine."

He brings her back towards the wall, pushing her to the ground. "No!" She shouts, but is too late as he cuffs her servos again. Saber pulls against them, hoping for them to break. When she gives up, she just sits there with her helm down.

"Stop fighting me, or next time I might have to hurt you." He says quietly, crouching down, Slade grabs her chin. This time a bit more forcefully, "I really don't want to have to hurt you." Leaning closer to her faceplates, other cons come in and grab Hydra, who is trying to attack Slade. "But I might, if you give me no other choice." His voice is turned into a whisper, Saber pulls her helm away.

Barely looking at him, she whispers something back, "You say that like you haven't already," Slade sighs, and stands up. Turning to Hydra, he tells the cons to let her go. Which they comply to. Hydra quickly runs to Saber.

"I'm giving you one more chance Saber," He turns to glare at her, his beady red optics daring her to fight back again. "Stop fighting me." The cons quickly leave the room, "Or I will hurt you." He turns and leaves the room, leaving Saber and Hydra all alone once more.


Autobot Base

"We now have confirmation from our spy, the Decepticons have Saber. However, they surprisingly haven't done anything." Wheeljack tells everyone around the table, no one speaks for a few minutes.

"Have they seen her at all?" Smokescreen asks out of the pure silent room.

"No, but they saw her be brought in by Slade." No one says anything once again, "However," They look at Wheeljack, "Our spy said she wasn't alone. She had a sparkling Predacon with her." Everyone looks at him as if he is crazy.

"Are you positive?" Ratchet asks, both of his servos on the table now. "A Predacon? How?" Ratchet practically glares at Wheeljack for answers.

"Does it matter? Slade has Saber, getting her back should be our first priority." Racer says angrily, his arms crossed over his chassis. The anger in his optics doesn't go unnoticed. When a servo is placed on his shoulder, Racer looks over at Bumblebee.

"It's going to be okay Racer, she'll be fine." Racer just looks down at the table in front of him, worry in his optics.

"I know, but Saber tends to be...difficult. I'm just worried that it might get her killed, or hurt." He says quietly, everyone looks down, understanding how difficult she can be.

"That's why she would go down without a fight. 'Cause she's a Prime." Jazz speaks up, his accent coming in at the end. "Prime's don't quit, take it from Optimus." Jazz says with his servos on his hips. "We'll get her back, she is a strong fem. She'll be fine till we get there." Racer nods his helm, determination in his optics.

"I will get you back, Saber." He whispers to himself.


Decepticon Base in Kaon

Slade stands at the front, all of Kaon appears in front of him through a thick layer of glass. "My lord, the prisoner hasn't been complying with our orders. What shall we do?" Hunter tells him, bowing slight before standing tall.

Slade's servos close to a tight fist in anger. "Leave it, I'll deal with it in the morning. No one else besides myself is allowed to see her, no matter what. Understood?" He glares out the window.

"Yes, my lord." Hunter bows once more, then turns and leaves. Everyone in the room soon leaves after him, noticing his boiling anger.

"Why must you always be so difficult?" Slade mutters under his breath. "Just like Optimus was for my Sire." His red optics glow slightly from his anger, "If you won't behave, then I'll force you to."

"My love."