10 The Deal

Saber gently opens her optics, immediately noticing her servos are chained together behind her back. Looking around, she is on her knees in a dark room. When the door opens, a light comes on. It's so bright Saber has to close her optics for a moment. She only opens her optics when a digit lifts her helm up.

In an instant, anger is displayed on her faceplates. "Slade! Where is-" Saber was expecting him to put his servo over her mouth, but instead, his lips connected with hers. This sudden act shocked the femme so much it left her speechless. It's so soft, and gentle, but yet demanding and rough. Realizing what was happening, Saber quickly moves her helm away from his.

Now looking at the ground instead, the mech just sighs. Lifting her helm again, "Expect that next time you talk." His voice is quiet, but somewhat angry. The spark bond opens more again, because of the kiss. But yet, Saber still pushes the bond away.

Not wanting it to happen again, Saber stays quiet. Her crystal blue optics stare into his blood red ones for a few minutes. Once he notices that she isn't going to say anything, he stands up. Letting her helm fall again. He raises his servo and waves as some kind of que. The door opens, and two cons drag in Racer. He seems to be healed, well, from the sickness.

She looks up at Slade slightly, as if wanting to ask but she knows what would happen if she spoke. Seeming to understand, he answers her question. "Yes, we healed his sickness. I didn't want him to be weak when I took his life." Saber glares at him, however he just ignores it anyways. Walking towards Racer, he grabs his blade and pulls it out. "You should thank me Saber, I didn't make you watch as I killed Nova. I personally, really liked your sister." Both of the cons leave the room, while Hunter walks in. Then walks towards Saber.

He stands behind her, why? She's not sure. Racer finally online's, looking around he notices what's going on. A small smile forms on his derma, but it goes unnoticed by the other mechs. "I am sorry Saber, but I always keep my promises." He puts his blade to Racer's neck cables.

"No!!" Saber shouts, trying to stand up, but Hunter holds her down by her shoulder blades. That's why he's there. "Slade!!-" She shouts, but a servo covers her derma. It's Hunter's. Even so, she continues to try and yell at the mech. Racer doesn't even look afraid.

"It's alright Saber, I know you'll kill the glitch." Racer says quietly, as if it would help in any way. Tears stream from Saber's optics. Practically begging Slade not to do it. Sparks form around the blade as it scratches against his neck. Immediately shutting him up.

"Why did you make me have to do this Saber? Why couldn't you just behave?" The feeling of hurt emits through the spark bond.

:Please don't!....Please, I'll do anything Slade...

He just stares at her for a moment, then sighs. Tilting his helm, Hunter's hand slowly leaves her derma, then he walks out of the room without even needing to be told to leave. Tears continue to stream down Saber's faceplates. Slade lowers his blade, making sure Racer is restrained, then walks over to the crying femme. Her helm is down, but she is slightly shaking.

"Saber," He crouches down, sadness filling the spark bond. When she doesn't look up at him, he lifts her helm again with his digit. Tears still stream from her optics, "Don't make this harder than it has to be." He whispers quietly.

"Why? Don't you get it Slade, you just keep hurting me. How could I ever love yo-" Before she can even finish that sentence, he pulls her helm forward, his lips connecting more forcefully with her's this time. This time, when she pulls away, he grabs her chin and does it again.

Anger filling his spark with each second his kisses her, when he finally pulls away, the dangerous look is back in his optics. "What did I say about you talking?" He whispers, "Besides, don't play that game with me Saber. I know you still love me. If you didn't, why do we still have a spark bond?" He asks quietly, Saber has nothing to say to that, "So give in to me." His voice is so quiet, then his lips connect with hers again.

The anger and hatred disappear in an instant, Saber's spark yearns to be with his. His soft derma, his warmth, she yearns to be in his arms. Tears silently fall from her optics, why does she love him so much? When he pulls away again, he notices her tears. "Please...don't...." Her voice is quiet, but he knows what she means. With a quiet sigh, he stares into her optics one more time before standing up.

"Why do you always seem to do this to me?" Looking back at Racer's weak form, he sighs one more time, then looks at the smaller femme. "I'll let him go, only if you stop fighting me." Slade's voice is soft and quiet, but yet dangerous and like it's daring her to say no. Having no other choice, she nods her helm. "Hunter!" He shouts loudly, the mech walks in with his arms crossed, without removing his optics from Saber he tells Hunter to release Racer back to the Autobots. With a small nod Racer is taken from the room.

Slade crouches down, her arms resting on the edge of his knees. "Now for you to keep your end of the deal." He whispers, his servos undo the chains on her servos. Instinctively, she rubs the red marks that had been left behind on her servos. Slade stands up slowly, grabbing Saber's servo and pulling her to her pedes.

With a small wince, she stands up. The mech pulls her in front of him, feeling his warm chassis against her back. His servo sits on her right arm, while his other keeps her in front of him. "Move." She hesitates, but complies and they head down the hallway.

Once they get to a room, he puts in the code and they walk in. It's his berthroom. "Sit." He locks the door and lets her go. Saber stands there for a moment, then walks over to the berth he was pointing to. Sitting down carefully, her servos rest in her lap while her helm is down.

Slade just sits at his desk typing something on the computer, then turns around and faces her while in the chair. He sighs softly, then stands up and sits on the berth next to her. Instinctively, she looks away from the mech. But his digit moves her helm to his faceplates.

"Stop ignoring me." Demand and slight anger are visible in his voice. Her optics are sad, but also tired. Noticing this, he drops her helm carefully and lays back against the wall, his optics closing for a moment. Saber sighs quietly, then sits back next to him against the wall, his optics opening for a moment.

She lays her helm on his chassis, pulling her pedes close to her chassis. It isn't being with Slade that scares her, it's the fact that being around him, makes her feel safe. Her servo rests gently on his chassis, her spark beating fast. Slade seems to notice this, 'cause he wraps his servo around her waist as a way to calm her down.

"Calm down, Saber. I can hear your spark beating." She shifts slightly, then closes her optics. Feeling her body relax for once in the past few days.


"What do you mean, she's still with the cons?'" Jazz asks, Racer is sitting in front of all the mechs in the meeting room. Sighing, he repeats what he said.

"I mean, Slade was going to kill me. But she somehow convinced him not to. No clue what she said because it was over some kind of spark bond. He said something to her, then had Hunter let me go." Racer says with sadness in his optics, feeling his spark break just thinking about what might happen to her.

"He must've told her to be good or somethin' like that otherwise you die." Jazz puts together, "Who else would he be able to hurt, we're all here and the only one's who are vulnerable would be you and her. He must want something from her." Jazz says quietly, his arms crossed while he leans against the table.

"What though? Does he want to end the war?" Ironhide questions, but Racer shakes his helm.

"No, from the looks of it, he could care less about the war. All he wanted was his sparkmate," Racer says quietly, his arms crossed while he sits in the chair. The pair of bright blue optics glaring at the floor, hoping for it to be Slade. So he can finally take that mech's spark out. Unknowingly, his servo closes to a tight fist in anger. 'I'm going to get you back Saber, then I'm killing Slade'.


Saber gently opens her optics, a soft pillow rests under her helm. But no mech, Saber quickly gets up, no mech in sight. A small smile forms on her derma, quickly getting up, she runs to the door. Her first attempt doesn't work, so she tries again to open the door. This time it opens. Wait. Scrap.

"Saber." Slade stands there in the doorway, his arms crossed. The dangerous look in his optics had returned, "Remember our deal? Stop. Being. Difficult." He walks forwards, causing her to trip and fall back on her butt. The door shut, then lock tight behind him. Slade sighs, crouching down.

His servo lifts the femme's helm up to face him, "How did you know?" She asks quietly, a small smirk forming on his derma. His other servo trails over her silver protoform, her servo's quickly push his away, but his free servo grabs hers and holds them together tightly.

"Hold still," His voice is demanding, even so, the femme doesn't stop trying to move away. He sighs, grabbing her arm and lifting her up to her pedes. Then slams her against the wall, pinning her arms over her helm with one servo.

"S-stop Slade!" A small smirk makes it's way to his face, seeing as he has made her feel uncomfortable. His servo gently grabs the small camera from under her armor and holds in front of her. "You glitch!" She shouts, seeing the camera with a smirk on his faceplates. He smashes the camera in his servo, feeling as it crumbles to the ground in pieces.

His smirk grows wider, an idea appearing in his helm. His digits begin to tickle the femme, causing her to start laughing. "S-Stop!" She shouts, trying to kick Slade away, but he pins her pedes to the ground with his own. "S-Slade!!" He finally stops tickling her. Allowing her to catch her breath from all the laughing.

Only now does she realize just how close he is, wanting to get away, she tries to get free from his death grip, only for him to tighten his hold on her servo's. "Slade-" His lips connect with hers the kiss isn't rough, but it isn't exactly gentle either.

Saber's first instinct is to pull away, however she has no where to pull away to. Her helm is up against the wall, she can't turn her helm because his servo is holding her helm still, and her servos are in a death grip right now. "Slade..." She mutters, his grip tightens, causing her spark to beat faster. When he opens his optics, she can see that they are blood red right now. That scares her.

Saber's only ever seen his optics like this when he was angry, and I mean really angry. Saber manages to get her pedes free, which she uses to knee the mech. He pulls away gently, the dangerous look still in his optics though. "Stop." He growls lowly, a flood of emotion's coming through the spark bond.

Tilting her helm in confusion, she realizes all these emotions. He's losing control. For once, her gaze softens. By this point, Saber would be surprised if she could still move her servos. She has long since lost feeling in them. "Slade...calm down." She tries to reason with him, but the look just intensifies. His faceplates only get closer to hers.

"Shut...up." He growls, grabbing her chin again, once again their lips connect, only this time it isn't a very pleasant one. This time, Saber starts to really fight back. She uses her teeth to bite his lip so he pulls away. Using this to her advantage, she kicks him in the stomach and runs for the door.

It doesn't open though, "Scrap!" She shouts under her breath, punching the door, her wrists are slightly red from not having any feeling in them for a while. The mech turns her around again, and grabs her arms. "Stop!" She shouts, but he doesn't care. Thinking quickly, she comes up with an idea of how she can calm him down.

He once again pushes her against the wall. This time using both his servos to keep her still. One of his servos trap both of her's above her helm again. While his other, wraps around her neck. Her helm is pushed back against the wall, revealing her neck. "Scrap." She mutters, his digits move across her neck as if it is glass. "Slade.." She mutters, realizing she can't breathe.

The mech releases her neck cables, instead his servo grabs her chin. Once again, his kisses her. Only this time, his digits around her jaw make sure to keep her from biting him. Saber sighs in her helm, then gives in to him. Her servos stop pulling against his, realizing this, he releases her servos.

Instead, his servos just hold onto her hips, while her servos wrap around his neck. Her body relaxes, noticing how much softer the rough kiss has become. "Slade..." She mutters again, this time, the mech opens his optics, the dangerous look is gone. He gently pulls away. Letting his servos rest gently on her hips.

"I'm sorry Saber." He mutters quietly, pulling her into his arms. Her helm rests in the crook of his neck cables. The feeling of sorrow coming over the spark bond, Saber just sighs. Pulling her helm back, she looks at him. Seeing as he cannot bare to even glance her way.

A small smile forms on her derma, her digits lifting his helm to look up at her. "We made a deal right?" A small smile forms on his derma, "Am I doing well?" He chuckles lightly, but pulls away when his comm goes off. The smile immediately disappearing.

"On my way." He says, with that he pulls completely away and walks towards the door, "Leave the room and I'll chain you to the berth." Saber laughs while leaning against the berth.

"Really?" That dangerous look returns in his optics for a moment, but quickly disappears. That causes her spark to flutter a bit in both fear and curiosity.

"Word of advice while you're here Saber," He says just as he steps out the door, "Take everything I say as the truth unless I say so." A small smirk forms on his derma right before the door shuts again. Saber sighs, then sits on the berth quietly, her optics not leaving the door where the mech had left.

"What do you want Slade?" She mutters to herself, "What do you get out of this deal?" Her optics glare at the wall, as if it would giver her all the answers, but nothing. 'I'm going to figure you out.'