
(Three years before.)

"Hey richard you think we will win tonight?" "Yeah if lick throws me the d*mn ball." the two brothers were talking about their highschool football game that everyone in school was excitedly anticipating. the opposing team was a rival school who always pranked their school for senior day.

" dude lick is such a dumb f**k name why do you guys still call him that? " jason asked. "it just really suits his personality if he dose not like you he dose nasty stuff to you".

"Yeah that's just cause hes a piece of sh*t why not call him sh*t?" jason replyed in disgust. "what ever dude hes my bud so just shut up ok." jason was silent until they walked out on the field "alright dude just catch it when he throws it to you of all my effort means nothing" jason snarled. "shut up" jason was a bit bossy tonight.

Richard had a feeling it was over a girl he liked. The center snapped the the ball and then lick ran to the right lobbing the ball deep down field to Richard. Jason's eyes gleamed thinking "catch the ball you dick". richard jumped about 4 feet in the air, almost as if he had wings and wind beneath them. But just as richard caught the ball

Katcha. katcha

katcha. katcha

Suddenly large cracks started to formed across the field and the school colapsing whole buildings and half the stands of people there watching the game. Deafening sounds of screams and panicked people running filled the air everyone trying to escape their sure demise in the now quickly expanding sinkhole on the field.

"Wheres mom and dad where they on those stands?" jason asked with tears in his eyes. "yes there gone i watched them fall, their gone dude." richard said crying. but now the screams of panic and terror were drown out by a roars from the hole. it sounded like thousands of individual animals down there.

All of the people in attendance nearly instantly grew silent and looked back at the hole while running away. A big pair of eyes popped above the surface of the hole looking around. Seeing the crowd fleeing the beast looked to have been smiling with its eyes. It flew up and landed near the edge spreading it bug like wings. it looked like a giant preying mantis at the hight of twelve feet tall and and four feet wide. with black glowing cracks all across its body.

Instantly catching up to the stragglers of the fleeing crowd using it huge scythe like hands to decapitate and dismember countless parents and fans in a bloody mess of an attack.

"dude get inside we cant outrun them" richards survival instincts kicking in told him to flee and hide. jason said nothing just kept following him asking no questions.